Houston Chronicle Sunday

At St. Luke’s, a rise in deaths after liver, lung transplant­s

Increase started in 2017; hospital says overall numbers are good

- By Mike Hixenbaugh and Charles Ornstein

During the summer of 2017, Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center posted a banner on its website, celebratin­g its liver and lung transplant programs as “#1 in Texas.”

That declaratio­n was based on the latest publicly available data, which showed stellar oneyear survival rates for patients who received liver and lung transplant­s at St. Luke’s between 2014 and the middle of 2016.

But soon after the hospital published those marketing materials in August 2017, both of those transplant programs began to see increases in patient deaths, an investigat­ion by the Houston Chronicle and ProPublica has found.

Of 85 patients who received a liver transplant at St. Luke’s in 2017, at least 15 have died within a year, up from previous years and worse than the national average. That’s according to preliminar­y data provided to reporters by the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients, a Minnesota-based group that measures transplant outcomes on behalf of the federal government.

Also last year, according to data provided by the registry, at

least seven of the hospital’s 54 lung recipients died within a year of their transplant­s, double the mortality rate at the hospital during the previous two and a half years.

These figures do not include patients who received livers or lungs as part of multi-organ transplant­s or those receiving second transplant­s after having previously received new organs.

Both the lung and liver programs at St. Luke’s have slowed down in 2018, with the number of transplant­s performed down 40 percent and 16 percent, respective­ly, through October, compared with the same period last year. Both programs also have had patients suffer unusual complicati­ons this year, according to a review of medical records and interviews with surviving family members.

In February, a patient’s new lung flipped over inside her chest, an event so rare that experts sometimes document individual cases in medical journals. Another patient developed a serious tear in his airway following his December 2017 lung transplant and never recovered from the setback. And in July, a 36-year-old single mother undergoing a liver transplant died in the operating room, prompting friends to seek donations to pay for her funeral and care for the daughter she left behind.

These deaths came as St. Luke’s was facing scrutiny for poor outcomes in its heart transplant program. In May, the Chronicle and ProPublica reported on an outsized number of deaths and complicati­ons in that program, which had prompted a couple of St. Luke’s cardiologi­sts to refer some patients elsewhere for transplant­s.

As was the case with the heart program, some patients and family members who came to St. Luke’s for liver and lung transplant­s have complained to administra­tors or contacted reporters about the quality of care provided.

St. Luke’s officials and doctors declined to be interviewe­d for this story. In a written statement, spokeswoma­n Marilyn Gerry pointed out that the hospital’s liver and lung programs met national benchmarks in the latest official report from the transplant registry, released in October, which measured one-year survival for transplant­s performed between the start of 2015 and the middle of 2017.

Gerry said it was “misleading” to focus on a single year of data from 2017 rather than the entire two-and-a-half-year period examined by the registry.

“Because of the complex nature of organ transplant cases, natural fluctuatio­ns will occur” in a hospital’s outcomes from one year to the next, Gerry wrote.

This year, when the Chronicle and ProPublica were reporting on below-average heart transplant outcomes at St. Luke’s, hospital officials said something different. They discourage­d focusing on the heart program’s poor scores in official reports, saying they were based on “old data” and “don’t reflect the current transplant outcomes at our institutio­n.”

In August, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services terminated federal funding to the heart transplant program after concluding St. Luke’s didn’t do enough to correct problems that led to poor outcomes dating back to 2015. The hospital is appealing and has said that Medicare’s decision has not affected its other transplant programs.

It’s too soon to say whether the increase in liver and lung deaths in 2017 will cause those programs to slip below national standards in future registry reports or put them at risk of sanctions from Medicare. That will depend, in part, on how the programs perform in subsequent years, as well as any changes in the way the federal government regulates transplant programs.

Many factors can cause a transplant program’s outcomes to dip, experts say, from patient selection to the quality of medical care offered in the months following a transplant. A one-year decline in outcomes may not put a program in jeopardy of falling significan­tly below national benchmarks, experts say, but it could if a hospital fails to correct the trend.

“Every transplant program has down years,” said Alexander Aussi, a San Antonio-based transplant consultant. “But a good program recognizes those trends early, works to understand what is going wrong and then makes proactive changes before things get out of control.”

St. Luke’s leaders announced in October that they had hired a new executive to oversee all of the hospital’s transplant programs and had recruited surgeons to help with heart and lung transplant­s.

The hospital also has launched a new marketing campaign in recent months celebratin­g patient success stories, in web vignettes and full-page newspaper ads, often emphasizin­g St. Luke’s willingnes­s to treat the most critically ill patients. One of those was Godfrey “G.W.” Biscamp, a 64-yearold former test pilot from Houston who was turned away by two other local transplant programs before getting a new set of lungs at St. Luke’s in July 2017.

“I was just about burned out with hospitals,” Biscamp said in an interview. “When I went to Baylor, I was kind of expecting the same old song and dance. But those people saved my life.”

Biscamp and another organ recipient featured in the ads told reporters they were pleased with the care provided by nurses and physicians throughout their stays at St. Luke’s.

Marilyn Chambers, whose husband John died in April, more than three months after receiving a double-lung transplant at St. Luke’s, tells a different story. She filed several complaints about the care provided to her husband and pressed hospital leaders to explain why he did not survive, leading to a pair of meetings with the hospital’s president, Gay Nord.

Chambers said she wasn’t satisfied.

“I felt in my soul,” she said, “that they did something wrong.”

A rough patch

Last year was momentous for the lung transplant program at St. Luke’s, following two years of turnover in its surgeon ranks.

The senior surgeon who had led the lung program since 2012 left in the summer of 2015 to practice at a hospital affiliated with Harvard University. The surgeon hired to replace him stopped performing lung transplant­s soon after his arrival in early 2016, after some of his initial patients experience­d complicati­ons. And the junior surgeon who stepped in left a few months later, also for a job at a Harvard teaching hospital.

Finally, in the spring of 2017, St. Luke’s recruited a 41-year-old surgeon from Minnesota, Dr. Gabriel Loor, and the lung program quickly ramped up. The surge in transplant­s that year came after another nearby hospital, Houston Methodist, significan­tly scaled back its lung volume after too many transplant­s failed within a year.

In Loor’s first four months alone, St. Luke’s performed 30 lung transplant­s, nearly matching the hospital’s total from all of 2016 and double the number performed in 2015. But soon the program hit a rough patch. At least two of the six patients who received new lungs at the hospital in May 2017 did not survive a year, according to data provided by the United Network for Organ Sharing and interviews with friends and family members.

One of the patients was Leonard “Johnny” Arsement, a former railroad switch operator who came to St. Luke’s from Louisiana with pulmonary fibrosis. Days after his transplant, doctors told his family that the donor lungs were not working properly, and he never recovered. He died in December at age 72.

Daniel Butler, an artist from Houston, also received a doublelung transplant that May. The new lungs never seemed to work properly, said his best friend, Tim Johnson. After a series of setbacks early this year, Butler asked St. Luke’s doctors to stop providing lifesaving medical care, and he died a few days later. He was 62.

“It was just very mysterious to everybody why these lungs wouldn’t take,” Johnson said. He spoke highly of the doctors and nurses who cared for his friend during his eight-month hospital stay, despite the outcome.

More deaths followed later in the year, threatenin­g to put a drag on the lung program’s survival rate in future transplant registry reports. In the two-and-a-halfyear period ending in December 2016, 94.2 percent of St. Luke’s 58 lung transplant recipients survived one year, better than the hospital’s expected rate of 89.7 percent, according to registry figures.

In 2017, though, during the surge in transplant volume, the program’s one-year survival rate was down to 87 percent, a couple of percentage points below the national average. The transplant registry does not calculate expected rates for periods shorter than two-and-a-half years. The 2017 survival rate is current as of mid-November and could drop further if any additional lung recipients die in the final weeks of 2018, within one year of their transplant­s.

The liver transplant program at St. Luke’s was in the midst of its own difficult stretch in 2017.

For several years, the liver program had posted outstandin­g results. Between 2014 and the middle of 2016, 93 percent of its patients survived at least a year, slightly better than the national average of 92 percent and its own expected rate of 91.3 percent.

But that began to shift at the end of 2016, according to an internal chart obtained by the Chronicle and ProPublica. The line graph, used by programs to track transplant outcomes in real time, appears to show the liver program on a steady path toward worse-than-expected outcomes by the end of last year.

All told, one out of every five liver transplant­s performed at St. Luke’s in 2017 have failed within a year, about double the national rate. This includes two St. Luke’s patients who had their new livers fail but who were still alive as of this month, likely after receiving another transplant.

Gerry, the St. Luke’s spokeswoma­n, said the internal chart obtained by reporters represents “one piece of a confidenti­al report provided to transplant programs by the [the transplant registry] for peer review and continuous improvemen­t.”

Two failed transplant­s

A day before Hurricane Harvey slammed into Southeast Texas last year, Paul Guillory sat up in a hospital bed at Baylor St. Luke’s, telling jokes.

Guillory, a 74-year-old retired barber from League City, was in a good mood, thinking about the months he had waited for a new liver after being diagnosed with cancer, and about the prospect of another decade of life to watch his grandkids grow. His wife, Barbara, scribbled a note in her day planner to document the moment when staff wheeled her husband into surgery on Aug. 24, 2017: “He was so happy,” she wrote.

But in the operating room that afternoon, according to medical records, Paul suffered significan­t blood loss and required multiple transfusio­ns — a complicati­on likely triggered by his liver disease and his body’s inability to form blood clots. By the time he’d been wheeled into a recovery room late that night, family members said doctors were expressing grave concerns about the viability of his new organ.

“Liver not performing as it should,” Barbara wrote the next day in her pocket calendar, hours before Harvey made landfall. “Storm was coming in.”

The hurricane came and went that weekend, but Paul never recovered, even after receiving a second, emergency liver transplant later that week.

Barbara said she wasn’t surprised when she learned from a reporter that Paul was one of 15 St. Luke’s patients who died following liver transplant­s last year. She and her family said they had concerns about the care he received.

Barbara signed a release allowing St. Luke’s to speak to reporters about her husband’s case; the hospital did not answer questions about his care.

Hours before Paul received his second liver transplant, about a week after the first one failed, Barbara and her children recalled watching in horror as he started to have a seizure in his hospital bed.

After several minutes, a doctor was summoned; he noted the “seizure like activity” in Paul’s medical records and gave him drugs to bring the tremors under control. Two hours later, Paul was taken for his second liver transplant.

A day later, on Sept. 1, 2017, Barbara noted her husband’s progress in her calendar: “Seizures have continued. Have tried many different medication­s, but they continue.”

Barbara continued taking notes throughout Paul’s monthlong hospital stay, documentin­g his steady decline.

She sat next to her husband for several days, squeezing his hand and singing love songs, hoping to see a flicker. It never came, however, and she and her family together made the decision to let him go.

On Sept. 23, Barbara jotted one last note.

“I was able to lay with him and love on him,” she wrote. “Was holding him when he took his last breath.”

‘I’m really sorry’

John Chambers was nervous when he got the call from St. Luke’s three days after Christmas last year. The 56-year-old former FedEx deliveryma­n from south Houston knew he would eventually need a transplant after years spent struggling with an inflammato­ry lung disease, but he’d been breathing easier in recent months, and now he was having second thoughts.

Chambers reluctantl­y went ahead with the double-lung trans-

 ?? Elizabeth Conley / Staff photograph­er ?? Marilyn Chambers wipes away tears as she talks about her husband, John, who died three months after receiving a double lung transplant at Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center.
Elizabeth Conley / Staff photograph­er Marilyn Chambers wipes away tears as she talks about her husband, John, who died three months after receiving a double lung transplant at Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center.
 ??  ?? Marilyn Chambers goes through a bag of records from the treatment for her husband, John, who died after receiving a double lung transplant at Baylor St. Luke's Medical Center.
Marilyn Chambers goes through a bag of records from the treatment for her husband, John, who died after receiving a double lung transplant at Baylor St. Luke's Medical Center.
 ??  ?? A video of Paul Guillory shows him being taken for a liver transplant at Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center. Guillory never recovered from the surgery.
A video of Paul Guillory shows him being taken for a liver transplant at Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center. Guillory never recovered from the surgery.
 ?? Photos by Elizabeth Conley / Staff photograph­er ?? Barbara Guillory and her daughter, Debra, watched Paul Guillory’s condition deterioria­te after two failed liver transplant­s at St. Luke’s.
Photos by Elizabeth Conley / Staff photograph­er Barbara Guillory and her daughter, Debra, watched Paul Guillory’s condition deterioria­te after two failed liver transplant­s at St. Luke’s.

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