Houston Chronicle Sunday

Border arrests jump to highest in Trump era

- By Elliot Spagat

SAN DIEGO — U.S. Border Patrol arrests on the Mexican border jumped 78 percent in November from a year earlier to the highest level in Donald Trump's presidency, with families and children accounting for a majority for a third straight month.

The numbers are the latest sign that people who cross the border illegally are increasing­ly families and children traveling alone, a trend that began several years ago but has accelerate­d since summer.

The Border Patrol made 25,172 arrests of people who came as families in November, nearly four times the same period last year, Customs and Border Protection said. There were 5,283 arrests of unaccompan­ied children, up 33 percent from a year earlier.

Overall, the Border Patrol made 51,856 arrests on the Mexican border last month, up from 51,001, or 1 percent, in October and up from 29,085 in the same period of 2017. It was the fourth straight month-tomonth increase.

Many families and children, predominan­tly from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, turn themselves in to agents and seek asylum or some other form of protection, a dramatic change from several years ago when people who crossed illegally were largely Mexican men who tried to elude capture. Central American asylum seekers have low approval rates. But many stay in the U.S. while their cases wind through backlogged immigratio­n courts, which can take several years.

Katie Waldman, a Department of Homeland Security spokeswoma­n, said the November arrests “are the predictabl­e result of a broken immigratio­n system — including flawed judicial rulings — that usurps the will of the American people who have repeatedly demanded secure borders.”

She singled out a Nov. 19 ruling by a federal judge in San Francisco to halt a new policy to deny asylum to people who enter the country illegally. The ruling infuriated Trump, who made illegal immigratio­n a top priority during his 2016 campaign and in the White House.

 ?? Santiago Billy / Associated Press ?? Central American migrants wade cross the Suchiate River, which connects Guatemala and Mexico.
Santiago Billy / Associated Press Central American migrants wade cross the Suchiate River, which connects Guatemala and Mexico.

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