Houston Chronicle Sunday

Let designer guide you through process of redecorati­ng a room

- By Joseph Pubillones

Designers are larger than life. This is what the general population of the world believes. It might seem a bit pretentiou­s, but really, this is what most ordinary folks think. It is not uncommon for designers to get that frantic phone call.

“My sister-in-law is coming next week. Can you redecorate our guest bedroom suite?” or “My law firm has temporaril­y relocated us to Timbuktu. Is there any way you can help make our rented place feel more like home? And, by the way, can you do it in a week?” These are the kind of unrealisti­c expectatio­ns that are sometimes placed on designers. Can we do it? The answer is sometimes ... yes.

Most people think designers work on skates or hoverboard­s, and that tomorrow or next week is just too long of a time.

Like short-order cooks, we have to be able to get simple ingredient­s and mix them in a palatable way. In most parts of the United States, it is possible with the aid of the internet, video cameras and courier services to do a project most anywhere — even in a week or two. For those who are completely inept at creating home or holding a hammer, most designers will travel, for a fee.

But if you have a little chutzpah, designers can formulate a master plan that can guide you through the process of redecorati­ng your guest suite or creating your home away from home.

Designer on skates offer some tips:

If a small-scale floor plan is available, make sure to give this to your designer. It will save the time necessary to redraw a floor plan or, worse yet, measure the space and draw it out.

Your designer can quickly draw in furniture on the floor plan as they see or imagine the space. This layout is most important, as it will serve as a prescripti­on of what you’ll need to buy.

Find out from your landlord if you are allowed to paint the walls. If you are able, great. In the case you are redoing a room in your own home, paint away. Paint is the easiest and most effective way to customize a generic beige or white interior. Even painting one wall in a small space will make an incredible impact. If you are not able to paint, adding drapery is the way to go.

Find ready-made drapery, which is available in most home decor shops and some department stores. I would suggest picking a bold color that will liven up the vibe of the place. A nice set of drapery hardware will make your home loose the “temporarin­ess” (insider secret). Pillows and drapery can change almost any room.

Most furniture catalogs offer quick-ship programs that can prove to be heaven sent when you need a lightning-fast interior design.

Neutral upholstery is the best way to go — and easiest to get rid of when it comes time to close down the pad.

Even the most plainJane furniture can get a boost when paired with an area rug that makes a statement. This may be one of the items you add to your guest bedroom to remove the blahs.

Framed posters can serve as art in a quick design, as they are colorful and usually lightspiri­ted. Joseph Pubillones is the owner of Joseph Pubillones Interiors, an award-winning interior design firm based in Palm Beach, Florida. His website is available at www.josephpubi­llones.com.

 ?? Creators Syndicate photo ?? Even painting one wall in a small space will make an incredible impact. If you are not able to paint, adding drapery is the way to go. Find ready-made drapery, which is available in most home decor shops and some department stores.
Creators Syndicate photo Even painting one wall in a small space will make an incredible impact. If you are not able to paint, adding drapery is the way to go. Find ready-made drapery, which is available in most home decor shops and some department stores.

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