Houston Chronicle Sunday

Dems walk line on Medicare for all

- By Jonathan Martin and Abby Goodnough

WASHINGTON — Sen. Elizabeth Warren spoke at length this week about her vision for improving the American health care system, like strengthen­ing the Affordable Care Act and making prescripti­on drugs more affordable. Twice, though, she ignored a question posed to her: Would she support eliminatin­g private health insurance in favor of a single-payer system?

“Affordable health care for every American” is her goal, Warren said on Bloomberg Television, and there are “different ways we can get there.”

To put it another way: I am not walking into that political trap.

Warren of Massachuse­tts and three other liberal presidenti­al candidates support a Medicare for All bill, which would create a single-payer health plan run by the government and increase federal spending by at least $2.5 trillion a year, according to several estimates. But Warren’s determinat­ion to sidestep an essential but deeply controvers­ial issue at the heart of the single-payer model — would people lose the choices offered by private insurance? — illustrate­d one of the thorniest dilemmas for several Democrats as the 2020 primary gets underway.

Their activist base, inspired by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., believes the party should unabashedl­y pursue universal health care, ending private insurance entirely. But polls indicate that the broader electorate, particular­ly the moderate- and high-income voters who propelled the party’s sweeping suburban gains in the midterms, is uneasy about this “Medicare for all” approach in which many would lose their current insurance options and pay higher taxes.

Sen. Kamala Harris of California drew immediate attacks from Republican­s this week by taking on the issue that Warren dodged. Harris breezily acknowledg­ed in a CNN town hall forum that she would “eliminate all of that,” referring to ending private insurance in a country where almost 60 percent of the population receives coverage through an employer.

Her remark triggered an intraparty debate about an issue that until now had been largely theoretica­l: A decade after Democrats pushed through the most significan­t expansion of health care since the Great Society, should they build incrementa­lly on the Affordable Care Act or scrap the insurance sector entirely and create a European-style public program?

Popular with party

Four Democratic presidenti­al candidates — Harris, Warren, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey — are among the co-sponsors of Sanders’ Medicare for All bill, which would replace the Affordable Care Act with a single government health plan for all Americans. Medicare is the federal program providing health coverage to people 65 and older.

The concept of Medicare for all has become popular with Democrats: 81 percent support it, according to a recent Kaiser poll. Yet voter opposition to surrenderi­ng the insurance they are used to led to a backlash over President Barack Obama’s repeated promise that “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan” after it proved false for several million people under his health law. Many Democrats are keenly aware of that backlash, and the 2020 presidenti­al race will be the first where many of the party’s leading candidates will have to explain and defend the meaning of Medicare for all.

Yet there is one likely 2020 contender who is thrilled to discuss Medicare for all.

Sanders, in an interview, did not mince words: The only role for private insurance in the system he envisioned would be “cosmetic surgery, you want to get your nose fixed.”

“Every candidate will make his or her own decisions,” Sanders said, but “if I look at polling and 70 percent of the people support Medicare for All, if a very significan­t percentage of people think the rich, the very rich, should start paying their fair share of taxes, I think I’d be pretty dumb not to develop policies that capture what the American people want.”

But Michael Bloomberg, the former New York City mayor who is considerin­g a 2020 bid on a centrist Democratic platform, said it would be folly to even consider a single-payer system. “To replace the entire private system where companies provide health care for their employees would bankrupt us for a very long time,” Bloomberg told reporters in New Hampshire on Tuesday.

The Congressio­nal Budget Office has not scored Sanders’ Medicare for all bill, but a study last year by the Mercatus Center of George Mason University predicted it would increase federal spending by at least $32.6 trillion over the first decade. The cost could be even greater, the study says, if the bill overestima­ted the projected savings on administra­tive and drug costs, as well as payments to health care providers.

Litmus test

Liberals argue that the only way to drive up turnout among unlikely voters or win back some of the voters uneasy with Hillary Clinton’s ties to corporate interests is to pursue a bold agenda and elevate issues like Medicare for all.

“Those who run on incrementa­l changes are not the ones who are going to get people excited and get people to turn out,” said Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., the co-chair of the Congressio­nal Progressiv­e Caucus.

And by preserving their options, Democrats risk alienating liberal primary voters, some of whom consider support for Medicare for all a litmus test.

While polling does show that Medicare for all — a buzz phrase that has lately been applied to everything from single-payer health care to programs that would allow some or all Americans to buy into Medicare or Medicaid — has broad public support, attitudes swing significan­tly depending on not just the details, but respondent­s’ age and income.

According to the Gallup poll, 70 percent of Americans with private insurance rate their coverage as “excellent” or “good;” 85 percent say the same about the medical care they receive. The Kaiser poll found that the percentage of Americans who support a national health plan drops by 19 percentage points when people hear that it would eliminate insurance companies or that it would require Americans to pay more in taxes.

Among those who make over $90,000 a year — the sort of voters in the House districts that several Democrats captured in the midterms — those surveyed in the Kaiser poll were particular­ly wary of an all-government system: 64 percent in this income group said they would oppose a Medicare for all plan that terminated private insurance.

“My constituen­ts are tired of bumper sticker debates about complex issues,” said Rep. Lizzie Pannill Fletcher, D-Houston, a freshman from an affluent district. “We don’t want ideologues in charge.”

 ?? New York Times file photo ?? Nurses rally on Capitol Hill in support of Medicare for all in 2017. The question of whether to support a single-payer health care model has been a thorny dilemma for several Democratic presidenti­al candidates.
New York Times file photo Nurses rally on Capitol Hill in support of Medicare for all in 2017. The question of whether to support a single-payer health care model has been a thorny dilemma for several Democratic presidenti­al candidates.

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