Houston Chronicle Sunday

At East End charter school, students deserve a safe space

Monica Rhor says in a climate that feeds anti-immigratio­n rhetoric and raises the threat of ICE raids, one teacher’s viewpoints threaten children’s sense of security.

- Monica Rhor (@monicarhor) is a columnist and member of the editorial board.

A school is supposed to be a safe haven — a place where students can learn unfettered by any worries skulking outside the front gate. So what happens when the thing you fear most is ushered into the classroom?

In the case of Eastwood Academy High School, it means that families who once saw the East End school as their best option are now reconsider­ing. It means that kids who graduated with fond memories of caring teachers and a family-like atmosphere are now scared for younger siblings at the Houston Independen­t School District charter.

Even a welcoming place such as the East End, Houston’s earliest Mexican-American enclave, is not exempt from the anxiety and uncertaint­y stoked by President Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric and policies. In this political climate, where rumored ICE raids send families into hiding and a stadium filled with MAGA supporters chants “send her back” about an immigrant congresswo­man, it takes very little to shatter the veneer of security.

In this case, all it took was the hiring of a teacher whose social media feed was a litany of antiimmigr­ant posts.

For a school that is 96 percent Latino, many undocument­ed, the news was panic-inducing. Not, community members emphasize, because of one man’s politics. They have no issue with other Eastwood teachers’ conservati­ve views.

The new hire, slated to teach several AP courses, is different. His Twitter account, now suspended, seemed to target the very kinds of kids he’ll be teaching.

“Build the wall,” he wrote on Jan. 3. And again on Jan. 4. And on Jan. 10. And on Jan. 14 — with three exclamatio­n points.

“Why, Mr. President,” he wrote Jan. 25 after Trump agreed to end a government shutdown without billions in wall funding. “Why would you let them win and destroy our great country. I voted for you to build the wall. never surrender. I’m definitely disappoint­ed in you.”

Evelyn Rivera, a 2016 Eastwood graduate, noticed the tweets when the new teacher used his personal handle to respond to the school’s July 3 welcome message. It made her queasy: “Some of these kids go to school w/ the fear of coming back to empty homes,” she tweeted. “Now they have to spend an hour in a classroom with a person that supports that twisted agenda? Sick.”

Word spread quickly. Daniel Santos, who teaches at nearby Navarro Middle School, heard about it: “He has views that manifest into cruel policies for our students. How will students feel safe in that classroom?”

So did Ronaldo Salgado, 22, an Eastwood alumnus and recent UH grad: “We have a sense of family and community here. We watch each other’s backs. If someone comes in who is against us that puts us on high alert.”

A Change.org petition calling for his removal has nearly 300 signatures. A note on the school’s Facebook page has more than 100 posts. It says

HISD does not inquire about immigratio­n status and commits to providing a welcoming environmen­t for all families, but notes: “Please be aware that staff are hired without regard to political views and solely based upon the candidate with the highest qualificat­ions for the position.

HISD employees have a First Amendment right to free expression but must comply with HISD policy and Board vision.”

That’s cold comfort for the Eastwood community, where many faculty members recall the terror and tears the day after Trump was elected. Students, worried that they or their parents would be deported, were crying. Teachers cried along with them.

Fresh fear over the teacher’s posts is expected. What is unexpected — and truly remarkable — is the way the Eastwood community has responded. They’re mapping next steps: filing complaints with HISD, setting up a legal fund for undocument­ed families, proposing “know your rights” workshops and sensitivit­y training, pondering whether to pursue a teacher transfer. On Aug. 8, they plan to mobilize en masse at a school board meeting.

They’re not trying to silence the teacher’s right to free speech on private time. They don’t want the right-wing to turn him into a poster child against “political correctnes­s gone wild.”

They understand that educators even have the right to express personal beliefs in the classroom, as long as they don’t foist them on their students.

But just as teachers deserve protection under the First Amendment, students deserve to sit in a classroom where they feel safe and respected by their teacher. They deserve a school free from intimidati­on and discrimina­tion.

My attempts to reach the teacher were unsuccessf­ul. I wish I could have asked him why a person who desperatel­y wants to keep immigrants out of the country would want a job interactin­g with them all day.

“I’m super pumped to be here and cant wait to get the year started,” he tweeted after his hiring was announced. “It’s going to be a great year.”

It still could be.

It might do this teacher some good to spend time at Eastwood, a 400-student school consistent­ly ranked among HISD’s best. He could see first-hand the contributi­ons of newcomers. He could see parents sacrificin­g. He could see Latino students go on to become engineers, lawyers and educators.

And, with a little effort, he might even see the light.

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 ?? Chronicle file photo ?? Students at Eastwood Academy High School are 96 percent Latino, and many of them are undocument­ed. Hiring someone prone to tweeting “Build the wall!!!” isn’t conducive to a healthy environmen­t for students — and certainly isn’t a good look for HISD.
Chronicle file photo Students at Eastwood Academy High School are 96 percent Latino, and many of them are undocument­ed. Hiring someone prone to tweeting “Build the wall!!!” isn’t conducive to a healthy environmen­t for students — and certainly isn’t a good look for HISD.

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