Houston Chronicle Sunday

Effort launched to track future shooters

Case of Santa Fe man highlights challenges of assessing threats

- By Eric Dexheimer

SANTA FE — When Damon Burns decided to confront the Santa Fe Police Department, its officers could see him coming a mile away.

After a series of agitated phone calls in which he demanded to speak to the chief, Burns resolved to seek a personal audience. A combinatio­n of medical and legal issues has prevented the 59-year-old from holding a driver’s license. In recent years, his only transporta­tion has been a red Craftsman lawn tractor.

“It looks old,” he said. “But lots of people have older-style cars.” Traveling at 5 mph, he estimated the trip to the town’s justice center took about 35 minutes.

Burns is well known to local police, having compiled a list of misdemeano­r charges over the years.

This day in October 2018, however, police saw something more menacing. “Mr. Burns stated he called the Santa Fe PD to inform us he was part of a 3 percent militia organizati­on which was armed and they were preparing tactical measures to protect the citizens of Santa Fe,” an officer wrote in his report.

After Burns’ lawnmower chugged into the parking lot, police surrounded him, handcuffed him and took him to jail.

With strong gun restrictio­ns a nonstarter in Texas, even after the deaths of 72 people in five mass shootings since 2016, politician­s have sought alternativ­e responses to the violence. After massacres in El Paso and Midland-Odessa in August, Gov. Greg Abbott issued a series of executive orders “to better protect our communitie­s and our residents from mass shootings.”

Most focused on how to better collect, interpret and act on informatio­n about suspicious people before they can do harm. That process — threat assessment — is having a moment.

Texas legislator­s this year passed a law requiring schools to create threat assessment teams. In Congress, the Threat Assessment, Prevention and

Safety Act of 2019 would create a national strategy and help locals set up teams to identify future mass killers. The Associatio­n of Threat Assessment Profession­als is growing so fast it had to cap the number of attendees at its latest conference.

The idea that if given enough dots to connect, analysts can interrupt mayhem is seductive. Yet even experts in the field concede that much of the work is preliminar­y and that in many ways its promise remains greater than the reality.

“It’s very much in the beginning stages,” said James Silver, a criminal justice professor at Worcester State University in Massachuse­tts who has worked with the FBI on threat assessment studies. “We’re nowhere near able to predict.”

Burns said that if police had bothered to meet with him, they’d have easily determined he wasn’t a threat.

Although his rap sheet is lengthy, most of the charges are old: public intoxicati­on, driving while intoxicate­d, seat belt violations. But it also includes a 14-year-old domestic violence misdemeano­r involving his adult son.

“He speaks his mind,” said his daughter.

“A big mouth,” added his ex-wife.

“Disagreeab­le,” according to his attorney.

Burns conceded his phone calls to the police “got pretty heated.”

But he added: “I’m not some extremist. I’m not going to go shoot up the police department, OK?”

While studies consistent­ly have found no reliable demographi­c profile of a mass shooter, researcher­s say their work has yielded insights into how people behave before deadly events.

Most incidents are not spontaneou­s but are planned. Contrary to the stereotype of the isolated madman, studies have found “leakage”— killers communicat­e their intent through hints to friends and acquaintan­ces or in writings. They generally don’t directly threaten, however.

False positives

Texas Department of Public Safety Director Steve McCraw said he has started implementi­ng the governor’s threat assessment orders. Speaking to legislator­s in September, he said the agency is developing new, more detailed intake forms for citizens reporting suspicious activity.

It also is beefing up Texas’s network of “fusion centers,” regional law enforcemen­t hubs that collect and analyze informatio­n to identify threats. McCraw said he hopes to hire 150 new analysts and troopers at a proposed cost of $59 million over the next two years.

Mass shooters are statistica­lly rare, making conclusion­s about them as a group tenuous. Studies have been overwhelmi­ngly observatio­nal — researcher­s retrospect­ively identify clues to describe an outcome they already know.

Although a handful of concerning behaviors — identifyin­g with previous attackers or stockpilin­g weapons — seems to indicate an imminent attack, others such as poor sleep or hygiene or recent life stressors can describe many people.

“A lot of the variables associated with somebody who does these things are also associated with somebody who doesn’t,” said Neil Shortland, director of the Center for Terrorism and Security Studies at the University of Massachuse­tts Lowell. “There are a huge number of false positives — people who may look risky but who never are going to do anything.”

On the ground, separating signal from static becomes even more difficult as police expand their citizen reporting efforts, such as Texas’ Suspicious Activity Reporting Network. After last year’s shooting in Florida, in which a former student killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, the FBI received more than 3,500 calls and tips per day.

“There’s a lot of noise out there,” said Matthew Doherty, former head of the Secret Service’s National Threat Assessment Center.

McCraw said DPS analysts hope to use computers and artificial intelligen­ce to help sort the incoming informatio­n. Yet Dewey Cornell, a University of Virginia professor considered a national authority on school threat assessment­s, is skeptical of programs that scan social media for posts that supposedly signal impending danger. His research has found that teenagers, especially, are prone to make emotional but empty threats.

‘A prevention model’

Cornell said that even when a threatenin­g person is identified, law enforcemen­t usually is a small part of the response. The program he teaches to school districts stresses prevention and intensive mental health interventi­on.

As a police officer, “you wait for someone to commit a crime, swoop in and arrest them,” said Vicki King, a former assistant chief of the Houston Police Department. Now that she is head of threat assessment for the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and Health Science Center at Houston, her perspectiv­e has shifted.

“This is not an arrest model, but a prevention model,” she said.

She recalled an incident when a man refused to leave the university president’s office. After taking him to lunch, she asked to look in his backpack and discovered personal writings describing a cancer cure he was desperate to explain. In his car was a handgun and ammunition. King said he agreed to mental health treatment; recently, she received a thank you note from him.

“Police need to get their mindset around the fact that most threat assessment cases will not result in arrest and conviction,” Doherty said .

That wasn’t Burns’ experience.

Searching him, police found only a knife — which Burns said he uses in his work as a handyman. Despite not possessing a gun or having any felony conviction­s, he was charged as a felon in possession of a firearm. Although a license is not required to operate agricultur­al tractors, he was charged with driving his tractor without a valid driver’s license. His bail was set at $26,000; his lawnmower was impounded.

Police obtained a search warrant by incorrectl­y telling a judge that Burns was a felon, court records show. After searching his trailer, they found ammunition but no guns.

Burns paid $1,500 to get out of jail and another $150 to spring his lawnmower. Soon after, prosecutor­s dismissed the gun charge. The lawnmower driving charge was tossed later.

It’s unclear whether police genuinely felt threatened or were merely fed-up.

Last month, Burns sued the department. “I’m going to hit them where it hurts,” he said. “I’m going to take them to court.”

“As a patriot, that’s what we’re supposed to do.”

 ?? Eric Dexheimer / Staff ?? Santa Fe police said Damon Burns told them he was in a “militia organizati­on.” He later was arrested as he drove his lawn tractor up to the police station. “It looks old. But lots of people have older-style cars,” Burns said.
Eric Dexheimer / Staff Santa Fe police said Damon Burns told them he was in a “militia organizati­on.” He later was arrested as he drove his lawn tractor up to the police station. “It looks old. But lots of people have older-style cars,” Burns said.

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