Houston Chronicle Sunday

Coping with coronaviru­s


Student perspectiv­e

Regarding “Allowing myself to be upset,” (A19, April 19): My name is Ian and I am in the eighth grade. I was getting up each morning, getting ready for school, taking the bus with my friends to school, attending classes in person, taking field trips and doing my after-school activities. Now I get up in the morning, get ready for “school,” pull out my Chromebook and check in to see what my teachers have assigned me for the week. The teachers have been amazing in moving from inperson classes to remote learning in less than a week. They have been super available for any questions and have set up office hours so that you can call with any questions. Some classes, I admit, are easier in person, like math, and those teachers have had to work even harder to be successful online.

I think that the part the high schooler shared was very accurate. At first, I thought this was a treat. I was like, “Oh yeah, this is like an early summer!” We ended up having online work and Zoom calls. I think there are parts of this that could be better than normal school. You get to work at your own pace, you can take breaks when you need them, and best of all, you can ask questions without being pressured socially. I have learned that we can roll with whatever comes our way and adjust so we can keep people healthy. Ian James Conner, eighth grade, Houston

I was bullied in elementary school. So, when I had the chance to enroll in Texas Online Preparator­y Academy, TOPS, in middle school, I jumped at the opportunit­y for a fresh start. In the beginning, online school was an unfamiliar concept and seemed a bit intimidati­ng. But, thanks to the support I received from my teachers, I’ve learned a lot and am much happier today. I hope by sharing my experience attending public school at home for the past three years that families new to online learning can have an enjoyable experience, too.

First, don’t stress out if it takes some time for you to become comfortabl­e with learning online. Take a step back and give yourself time to adapt.

Next, you don’t have to figure everything out on your own. Your teachers and counselors are there as a resource. So, don’t be afraid to reach out by text or email if you need help.

Finally, we may be physically distancing, but you can still socialize with your classmates and friends. Calls, texting, video, virtual activities and live class sessions all provide opportunit­ies to connect. Online school is the right choice for me. With these tips, I’m confident it can work for other families across Texas, too! Leila Rouani, ninth grade, Houston BIBLE VERSE

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. Philippian­s 4:12

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