Houston Chronicle Sunday

Expand Medicaid to help the economy, Texans

- By Texas Senate Democratic Caucus

There are only a handful of moments that truly will define our career, tenure and indeed, our life. We are in the midst of a global pandemic, and the decisions made now will define our generation of Texas leaders.

This moment in history requires courage, flexibilit­y and now more than ever, the expansion of Medicaid in Texas.

As national and state leaders grapple over when to open the country, the balance that must be struck lies in the (at times) competing interests of public health versus economic stimulus. Expanding Medicaid can accomplish both simultaneo­usly.

We know the numbers well: 1.5 million uninsured Texans fall into the “expansion gap” — people who could qualify for coverage with a stroke of the governor’s pen. Those 1.5 million Texans who can’t afford to access care may put us all at risk. Yes, the federal government is offering to cover COVID-19 testing costs, but what about the costs of treatment? It is no secret the uninsured are less likely to seek medical help due to financial concerns, thus exacerbati­ng the curve, not flattening it.

Economists estimate that expansion would infuse approximat­ely $8 billion annually into the Texas economy, increase gross state product by $29.4 billion over two years and generate a 331 percent return on investment over 10 years. It is too early to know the full extent of the economic devastatio­n that COVID-19 has caused, but common sense dictates that we could use an extra $8 billion, especially right now. By not expanding Medicaid, state leaders are turning away billions of our own tax dollars Texans pay to the federal government when we need it for our own needs.

All but 14 states have accepted and benefit from expanding Medicaid in some form, none more so than Indiana under the leadership of Vice President Mike Pence when he was its governor. He, along with many other Republican governors, saw an opportunit­y to improve health outcomes for their own states, while also tailoring their unique approaches to the program. Texas should follow the same approach and tailor it to the unique needs of Texans.

Texas continues to have the most uninsured in the nation. In 2018, for example, at 17.7 percent, Texas had more than twice the national rate. Our rural communitie­s are suffering with more than 30 percent uninsured and more rural hospital closures than any other state.

Houston isn’t doing any better. Nearly one in five persons in the Greater Houston area lacks health insurance. The region with the largest, most sophistica­ted medical center in the world has the highest uninsured rate among major metropolit­an areas in the United States.

This might be uncomforta­ble, but can we also talk about taxes? Our state’s revenue will take a significan­t hit because of the coronaviru­s outbreak. As we grapple with the troubles of the oil industry, coupled with those caused by the pandemic, it doesn’t make sense for state leaders to refuse billions of our own federal tax dollars. The double whammy significan­tly will reduce the state’s ability to pay for other essential obligation­s and ultimately reduce our ability to afford any tax cuts. The obvious alternativ­e? Take the billions in federal tax dollars that we pay and give them back to Texans.

So, here we are: the aforementi­oned “defining moment.” Make no mistake: We are challenged with a worldwide pandemic and unpreceden­ted times. We need leaders to make decisions that focus on the needs of our people without fear or hesitation. History has its eyes on us. It’s time to expand Medicaid.

The 12 current members of the Texas Senate Democratic Caucus are Chair Carol Alvarado (Houston), Vice Chair Nathan Johnson (Dallas), Sen. Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa (McAllen), Sen. Eddie Lucio, Jr. (Brownsvill­e), Sen. José Menéndez (San Antonio), Sen. Borris Miles (Houston), Sen. Beverly Powell (Fort Worth), Sen. José Rodríguez (El Paso), Sen. Kirk Watson (Austin), Sen. Royce West (Dallas), Sen. John Whitmire (Houston) and Sen. Judith Zaffirini (Laredo).

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