Houston Chronicle Sunday

Should runners be required to wear masks?

- By Heather Murphy

Jane Rosen began yelling sometime in April. By May, it had become routine. The incidents usually occur near her minivan, which she parks alongside Central Park in New York City.

As she attempts to enter or exit the vehicle, a cyclist or a runner will whiz by, so close she can practicall­y smell them.

“I scream, ‘Where is your mask?’ ” said Rosen, 73.

Her daughter warned her that these confrontat­ions could end badly. But it feels worth it, she said, because lives are at stake. She’s had about 18 such confrontat­ions. The figure would be higher, she said, if she ventured out more often.

Melissa Mayen, a high school senior in Washington, D.C., had also been avoiding going outside. Then, in mid-May, she set out for a ride for the first time in nearly a month.

She was startled when a man, walking across the street, yelled something about a mask.

“I almost fell off my bike,” she said.

She owns one mask, which her father brought her from a constructi­on site where he works. Aside from the fact that it’s so thick that she can barely breathe in it, she tries to preserve it for higher-risk situations.

“If you are yelling at someone to wear a mask, then give them a mask,” she said.

Several months into the coronaviru­s pandemic, battles over when to wear masks have heated up, sometimes with political alliances replacing health guidelines.

And few activities seem to have incited more debate than exercise.

Q: First, let’s get to the rules: Runners are required to wear masks, right?

A: Not necessaril­y. When cities and states started urging people to wear masks to reduce transmissi­on of the coronaviru­s, some made exceptions for exercising. Carry a mask, many seemed to say, but if you’re by yourself on an empty street, you don’t have to wear it.

New York City explicitly states that face coverings are not required while walking, running or biking, if you can keep your distance. Likewise, San Francisco has urged runners to carry a mask and put it on when they are near other people.

In Boston, an elevated heart rate is no excuse not to cover your nose and mouth.

“You need to be wearing a face covering when you’re out exercising,” Mayor Marty Walsh said in April.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings “where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain,” but offers no specific guidance on exercising.

Q: Why can’t runners just wear masks?

A: It can be really hard to run in a mask.

Many runners are put off by how challengin­g it is to inhale as their heart rate rises. It can be much more difficult than walking in a mask.

“It’s harder to breathe, and it’s a lot more clammy,” said Gaston Ly, a store manager at Running Room in Honolulu.

Others forgo one because, even as the virus spreads, masks have not been widely adopted in their communitie­s.

“Oh, gosh no!” said Larry Holt, the owner of Ken Combs Running Store in Louisville, Ky., when asked if runners there wore masks. “That’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard of in my life.”

Q: Still, there’s evidence that runners and bikers should wear masks, right?

A: There is no scientific consensus around the importance of wearing a mask while exercising, primarily because so little relevant research has been completed.

Researcher­s do agree that masks slow the spread of the virus. They also agree that it’s best to avoid exercising within 6 feet of anyone beyond your immediate household and that working out is less risky outside than inside.

Q: How could a runner or biker infect me?

A: It would most likely occur while you were stopped and talking to them, said Julian Tang, a virologist and a professor at the University of Leicester in England. He thinks the risk of infection from quickly passing someone is low, because the “massive air volume will dilute any exhaled virus and the wind may carry it away.”

In general, researcher­s agree that air circulatio­n outdoors seems to strongly inhibit transmissi­on of the coronaviru­s. In a study of more than 7,300 coronaviru­s cases in China, just one was connected to outdoor transmissi­on.

Q: But if exercising people are breathing harder, doesn’t that make a mask more important?

A: In April, a draft of a scientific study by Belgian and Dutch engineers indicating that runners, brisk walkers and cyclists create a wake of air behind them that could carry exhaled respirator­y droplets much farther than 6 feet began to circulate online. A widely shared Medium post referring to the research recommende­d keeping a distance of 32 feet when running or slowly cycling and at least 65 feet — four car-lengths — when cycling quickly.

The study’s authors soon published a follow-up, noting that their research was just an engineerin­g wind-flow model, which found that when we walk or run, the air moves differentl­y around us than when we are still.

One useful takeaway: It’s best to avoid running or biking directly behind someone for a prolonged period.

Q: What about sweat? A: Stranger sweat is disgusting. But it’s not among the bodily fluids that the CDC warns transmits the coronaviru­s.

Q: What about spitting? A: Spitting is not only disgusting but also dangerous, as saliva can contain viral droplets. Runners, cyclists, skaters, walkers — don’t do it! (Or at least not around others.)

Q: I’m a cyclist or a runner and want to do it safely. What can I do?

A: Avoid popular routes and times, suggests Douglas Nicaragua, the owner of Go Run in Miami. He advises taking a mask, even if you don’t expect to cross paths with anyone. If you see someone, put it on.

“Over time, you’ll get used to it,” said Joey Ta, a competitiv­e endurance athlete in Los Angeles who recently started wearing a mask.

And whether you wear a mask or not, pay attention to the position of people around you. Dr. Benjamin D. Levine, a professor of internal medicine at UT Southweste­rn Medical Center and Texas Health Presbyteri­an Dallas, is advising the U.S. track and field team on how to train safely. He urges focusing on what he calls the four Ds: “double the distance” from 6 to 12 feet and “don’t draft,” meaning “don’t run or cycle directly behind someone so you are continuall­y running into and breathing their expired air.”

Q: An unmasked biker got so close I could smell him. Permission to yell?

A: “I don’t understand how people can’t understand that this is about more than just a mask,” said Rosen, the New York woman who has taken to yelling at runners.

But is yelling — which may also expel more viral droplets than talking — likely to change behavior? Possibly, said Alexandra Brewis, a professor in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University and the author of a book on stigma and global health. But she has found that most people are far more likely to take advice from friends and family than from a stranger and to incorporat­e feedback delivered with empathy, not shame.

 ?? New York Times file photo ?? Few activities seem to have incited more debate over wearing masks during the coronaviru­s pandemic than exercise. Walkers, cyclists, runners, skaters — everyone seems to have contradict­ing interpreta­tions of the science and etiquette around how to behave outside.
New York Times file photo Few activities seem to have incited more debate over wearing masks during the coronaviru­s pandemic than exercise. Walkers, cyclists, runners, skaters — everyone seems to have contradict­ing interpreta­tions of the science and etiquette around how to behave outside.

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