Houston Chronicle Sunday



Informatio­n about the novel coronaviru­s is everywhere. It’s in your Facebook feed and on the news, in newspapers, and plastered on the sides of buses. But how much of this informatio­n is accurate? According to health experts, frustratin­gly little.

“There is so much bad informatio­n out there,” says John Sweitzer, CEO of Pasadena Health Center (PHC). “It’s incredibly confusing for people and very frustratin­g for us as health care providers.

The question is: what data are we going to go with? When you have so many people trying to report data, you get inconsiste­ncy on how it’s being reported and how it’s released.”

Misinforma­tion creates a potentiall­y dangerous dynamic. People who are bombarded with conflictin­g “facts” are far more likely to lose faith and stop believing anything. With misinforma­tion continuing to spread, as does COVID-19, the health care providers at Pasadena Health Center have provided us with this helpful guide to what’s true and what’s not about coronaviru­s.


Masks are by far the most controvers­ial and misunderst­ood aspect of this pandemic.

FACT: Masks, IF USED PROPERLY, can help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The problem, as Sweitzer notes, is that all masks are not created equal. Simply putting a strip of cotton cloth across your mouth is not going to protect you or protect others from you.

“For a mask to be effective, it must be made of waterproof material that can stop droplets,” says Sweitzer. Droplets, especially from a sneeze or cough, are the primary way in which the virus spreads. The N95 mask is a respirator. The respirator is a protective device. N means Not resistant to oil.

The 95 means that the filtration efficiency is greater than or equal to 95%. This indicates that this respirator can block at least 95% of very small (0.3 Micron level) test particles.

N95s and KN95s are both rated to capture 95% of particles. KN95 meets a Chinese standard and N95 is more common in health care. FDA approved both mask due to a shortage of N95 mask in the United States.

Surgical masks only protect others from your droplets. Surgical mask can also capture particles and make the user sick. They are mainly designed to protect the patient. Homemade masks are largely ineffectiv­e. To make them effective they need to cover the nose, mouth, and chin. There should be a tight seal around the nose and the material should be impermeabl­e to stop leakage. They should also have a filter to protect the person wearing the mask and the person nearby from droplets.

Even if you have an effective mask, it must be worn correctly in order to work. The mask must cover both your mouth and nose simultaneo­usly to protect you and others. Anyone wearing a mask that only covers their mouth and leaves their nose exposed is not protecting themselves or others. PHC recently went on Facebook Live and made a mask tutorial. Watch now and learn how to keep you and your loved ones as safe as possible. Sweitzer says PHC will continue to post more educationa­l health videos on Facebook Live in the weeks to come. The staff at PHC also was fit tested so that they learned how to wear the N95 mask and prevent leakage.



Swab tests diagnose if you currently have the coronaviru­s, and Serology tests strictly measure antibodies caused from exposure. Serology should not be used as a sole diagnostic test. Anyone with signs and or symptoms needs to have the swab test.

“30% of people who have COVID-19 don’t feel any symptoms,” says Sweitzer. If you have an active infection, you can still spread it to others, even if you feel fine. You can make an appointmen­t to get tested if you have had an exposure, have traveled to a place where infections are high, or answer positive to any of the CDC questions on the PHC web site

If you have a group larger than 20, PHC will bring the testing to you, as long as everyone agrees to be tested and the facility has a large, air-conditione­d room for the health profession­als to conduct the testing.

“Testing (for the virus) is available,” says Sweitzer. But he also reminds us that the more people who get tested, the higher the number of confirmed cases will rise. “Don’t panic,” says Sweitzer.

The test to see if you’ve had COVID-19 in the past are often called Serology (antibody) tests. Antibody tests range in level of efficiency, but the FDAapprove­d tests PHC administer­s can give you reliable results within 10 minutes. Antibody tests are important because if you’ve already had the virus and survived, you should be far less likely to re-contract it during this current wave. However, it is important to remember test do not guarantee that you will not get the Coronaviru­s again. There have been some cases were people have had a double exposure.


FACT: There is currently no vaccine for COVID-19.

There are many vaccines in the early stages of developmen­t, but Sweitzer warns us they’re nowhere near close to being ready. “It’s too early to get excited,” he says. “A vaccine trial must be at level 3 before we can be hopeful.” That being said, scientists worldwide are working towards a vaccine. There is hope on the horizon, but no vaccine yet. At this time 70 are being manufactur­ed but only 3 are in clinical trials.

As for treatments, scientists and medical profession­als are working around the clock testing a number of drugs to see if they will help lower the death rate of people who get very sick from COVID-19.


If you feel sick, the first thing to do is stay calm. Sweitzer advises, “When we’re emotional, it can lead to irrational behavior, and during a pandemic, irrational behavior is a problem.” Remember, there are many factors that contribute to you not feeling well. If you have a history of allergies, you may consider that a possible cause. “Don’t automatica­lly assume you have COVID-19,” says Sweitzer. It’s also important to know the signs and symptoms of Covid 19 and to review them on the CDC website as they add more informatio­n as it becomes available.

If you do feel you’ve possibly been exposed, the best thing to do is get tested and selfquaran­tine. If your symptoms get worse, if you have trouble breathing, or experience chest pains, Sweitzer implores you to seek medical attention. “Don’t be afraid to go to the hospital, it can save your life.”


Despite how it may sometimes feel, there are steps you can take to keep you and your family safe.

Sweitzer reminds us there is no substitute for washing your hands. Anti-bacterial soap kills COVID-19. If you can’t wash your hands, use hand sanitizer until you can. Wear a mask properly when in public and stay socially distanced, at least 6 feet away, from anyone who does not live in our home. pay attention to the science to help you factor your personal risk. Preexistin­g conditions like diabetes, hypertensi­on, heart disease, kidney problems, and high blood pressure dramatical­ly increase your risk of having severe complicati­ons from COVID-19. Age is also a factor, as those over 65 on average have worse outcomes upon contractin­g the virus.

Lastly, get your informatio­n from a reliable source. Sweitzer recommends visiting CDC. gov or the websites for either Harris County Health Department or Texas Department of State Health Services.

“Turn off the news and get your informatio­n from trusted sources,” Sweitzer says. “Confirm your sources before you spread misinforma­tion.” Sweitzer also reminds patients of PHC that they are offering telemedici­ne visits for both physical and mental health. These services work with any type of phone, whether you have a flip phone or a smartphone.

Pasadena Health Center is a non-profit, full-service healthcare facility. Their mission is to provide access to reliable ,quality health care for the community, in a caring atmosphere. Visit www.pasadenahe­althcenter.com or call (713) 554-1091.

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