Houston Chronicle Sunday

Learning to live with the death of a loved one in ‘Speaking Grief ’

- By Chris Vognar CORRESPOND­ENT Chris Vognar is a freelance writer based in Houston.

It’s sad that we still need a film called “Speaking Grief ” in this day and age of rampant death. But need it we do. As this moving American Public Television documentar­y makes abundantly clear, grief, despite its universal inevitabil­ity, has a way of baffling even the most well-meaning.

“People didn’t know how to deal with me,” says Asia, a Houston native featured in the film whose mother, Rose, died in a car accident in 2006. “People didn’t know how to talk to me anymore. They didn’t know how to handle me anymore.”

Unfortunat­ely, I can relate to a lot of “Speaking Grief,” which streams on Facebook at 7 p.m. July 15, followed by a live Q&A. I recently lost my girlfriend, Kate, to a degenerati­ve brain disease after a long illness.

So much of the film rings true: the anger underlying the sadness; the feeling that you’ve lost a limb; the friends who don’t know what to say. It’s not really their fault. They’re the products of a society that never really figured out what to do with the rippling effects of loss. Or, as the film’s narrator puts it bluntly, “We need to get better at grief.”

To that end, “Speaking Grief ” rests firmly on the collective shoulders of a wide array of grievers. Here’s Steve, whose son, Nathan, was killed in a car accident: “You almost expect that the world is going to take a timeout for you.”

I vividly remember this sensation, which started for me as soon as Kate got her diagnosis. How could people possibly still be going to work and laughing and talking about new TV shows? Don’t they know my life is over? Grief is like living in a torture chamber of suspended animation. You assume it will never end, and in a sense it doesn’t. Ideally, you learn to walk through it and get used to it.

While the grievers do much of the heavy lifting in “Speaking Grief,” a formidable roster of experts makes their passion for

the subject clear. These include Megan Devine, author of the essential “It’s OK That You’re Not OK,” whose partner, Matt, drowned in a tragic river accident. Devine isn’t here to talk about that, but she does speak with the authority of experience.

She puts the lie to the idea that one is supposed to be done grieving after six months:

“You’re not even out of the initial fog at six months.”

She addresses those who don’t know what to say so don’t say anything at all: “Saying nothing is a terrible thing to do to a grieving person.” And, most poetically: “It’s part of being alive. It’s part of being human.”

“Grief is a normal, natural response to loss,” Frank Ostaseski writes in his book “The

Five Invitation­s.” “It is also natural to want to avoid it completely.”

Natural, and impossible. Where there is death, there is grief. We’ll never do away with death. So perhaps it is wise to learn how to better speak grief. This film makes a powerful case for doing just that.

 ?? Christel Cornilsen ?? “Speaking Grief ” features stories such as that of Darin Jensen, whose husband, Daniel, died in 2015.
Christel Cornilsen “Speaking Grief ” features stories such as that of Darin Jensen, whose husband, Daniel, died in 2015.

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