Houston Chronicle Sunday

The Animal Rescue Changing the Perception of One of Texas' Most Misunderst­ood Inhabitant­s


"Donkeys saved my life.” It is not a sentence you hear often, but for Marjorie Farabee, it’s the truth. Coming out of a prolonged illness, Farabee began working with donkeys in 2006 and was amazed by the empathy and intelligen­ce of the animals, which had an extremely calming effect on her.

Marjorie joined TMR Rescue, Inc. to protect these remarkably adaptable equines (donkeys, horses, mules, wild mustangs and burros), registerin­g TMR Rescue, Inc. 501(c)3 as a non-profit rescue in 2014.

When most people think of animal rescues, they imagine a space mainly dedicated to protecting and rehabilita­ting cats and dogs. In fact, rescues exist for many animals. Donkeys are used as guard animals for cattle especially during calving, and as companions for horses. However, donkeys and horses are often neglected and/or abused.

In the case of donkeys and horses, the need for rescue is especially critical. This is due to a combinatio­n of misconcept­ions held by many people about donkeys in general, and the nature of the donkeys’ place in modern society. The cliche understand­ing of donkeys is that they are dumb, stubborn animals. Farabee, who has worked with and researched donkeys and advocates for the misunderst­ood equine, disputes this erroneous assessment.

Donkeys possess logic and strong self-preservati­on instinct. These are signs of a donkeys’ intelligen­ce and their natural inclinatio­n to bond with humans.

Located outside of Houston in Plantersvi­lle, TMR Rescue (also known as Texas Miracle Ranch), is a dedicated rescue for donkeys, horses, mules, wild mustangs and burros. Texas Miracle Ranch is dedicated to providing a place for these important, beautiful creatures to thrive in an environmen­t as close to the wild as possible. Texas Miracle Ranch’s mission is to protect vulnerable donkeys and horses that need a safe place to recover from abuse and neglect.

The abuse and neglect of donkeys and horses happen for a variety of reasons.

Some are the victim of abusive owners. Others are abandoned or left for dead when their owners no longer want or can afford them.

Texas Miracle Ranch accepts donkeys and horses in any condition into their rescue and has rescued equines from coast to coast. Says Kyle Larson, who started working with Texas Miracle Ranch just over a year ago, “This rescue is willing to do the work that others are not.” Texas Miracle Ranch has saved over 120 animals from slaughter and rehomed 280 animals. All this hard work comes at a cost. As a nonprofit, Texas Miracle Ranch relies on donations from people like you to cover annual operating expenses of $897,917 including:

• Feed, Hay and Alfalfa

• Veterinary Care

• Animal Upkeep

Texas Miracle Ranch is currently home to over 420 donkeys, horses, mules, wild mustangs and burros that have been rescued over the years. Please donate to Texas Miracle Ranch to help us continue the rescue, care and rehoming of equines.

 ??  ?? Faith Rescued (left) and Faith 6 Months Later (right)
Faith Rescued (left) and Faith 6 Months Later (right)
 ??  ?? Wild Mustangs Rescued
Wild Mustangs Rescued
 ??  ?? Holly Rescued November 2017 Arriving at Vet(top left), Neglected Hooves(top right) and Recovering in ICU (bottom)
Holly Rescued November 2017 Arriving at Vet(top left), Neglected Hooves(top right) and Recovering in ICU (bottom)
 ??  ?? Holly Adopted December 2019
Holly Adopted December 2019

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