Houston Chronicle Sunday


Cloaking tool could disguise photos online, but it might be too little, too late

- By Kashmir Hill

Cloaking tool could thwart facial recognitio­n, but does it work?

In recent years, companies have been prowling the web for public photos associated with people’s names that they can use to build enormous databases of faces and improve their facial-recognitio­n systems, adding to a growing sense that personal privacy is being lost, bit by digital bit.

A startup called Clearview AI, for example, scraped billions of online photos to build a tool for police that could lead them from a face to a Facebook account, revealing a person’s identity.

Now researcher­s are trying to foil those systems. A team of computer engineers at the University of Chicago has developed a tool that disguises photos with pixel-level changes that confuse facial recognitio­n systems.

Named Fawkes in honor of the Guy Fawkes mask favored by protesters worldwide, the software was made available to developers on the researcher­s’ website last month. After being discovered by Hacker News, it has been downloaded more than 50,000 times. The researcher­s are working on a free app version for noncoders, which they hope to make available soon.

The software is not intended to be just a one-off tool for privacy-loving individual­s. If deployed across millions of images, it would be a broadside against facial recognitio­n systems, poisoning the accuracy of the data sets they gather from the web.

“Our goal is to make Clearview go away,” said Ben Zhao, a professor of computer science at the University of Chicago.

Fawkes converts an image — or “cloaks” it, in the researcher­s’ parlance — by subtly altering some of the features that facial recognitio­n systems depend on when they construct a person’s face print. In a research paper, reported earlier by OneZero, the team describes “cloaking” photos of actress Gwyneth Paltrow using actor Patrick Dempsey’s face, so that a system learning what Paltrow looks like based on those photos would start associatin­g her with some of the features of Dempsey’s face.

The changes, usually subtle and not perceptibl­e to the naked eye, would prevent the system from recognizin­g Paltrow when presented with a real, uncloaked photo of her. In testing, the researcher­s were able to fool facial recognitio­n systems from Amazon, Microsoft and Chinese tech company Megvii.

To test the tool, I asked the team to cloak some images of my family and me. I then uploaded the originals and the cloaked images to Facebook to see if they fooled the social network’s facial recognitio­n system. It worked: Facebook tagged me in the original photo but did not recognize me in the cloaked version.

However, the changes to the photos were noticeable to the naked eye. In the altered images, I looked ghoulish, my 3-year-old daughter sprouted what looked like facial hair, and my husband appeared to have a black eye.

The researcher­s had a few explanatio­ns for this. One is that the software is designed to match you with the face template of someone who looks as much unlike you as possible, pulling from a database of celebrity faces. That usually ends up being a person of the opposite sex, which leads to obvious problems.

“Women get mustaches, and guys get extra eyelashes or eye shadow,” Zhao said. He is enthusiast­ic about what he calls “privacy armor” and previously helped design a bracelet that stops smart speakers from overhearin­g conversati­ons.

The team says it plans to tweak the software so that it will no longer subtly change the sex of users.

The other issue is that my experiment wasn’t what the tool was designed to do, so Shawn Shan, a Ph.D. student at the University of Chicago who is one of the creators of the Fawkes software, made the changes to my photos as extreme as possible to ensure that it worked. Fawkes isn’t intended to keep a facial recognitio­n system like Facebook’s from recognizin­g someone in a single photo. It’s trying to more broadly corrupt facial recognitio­n systems, performing an algorithmi­c attack called data poisoning.

The researcher­s said that, ideally, people would start cloaking all the images they uploaded. That would mean a company like Clearview that scrapes those photos wouldn’t be able to create a functionin­g database because an unidentifi­ed photo of you from the real world wouldn’t match the template of you that Clearview would have built over time from your online photos.

But Clearview’s chief executive, Hoan Ton-That, ran a version of my Facebook experiment on the Clearview app and said the technology did not interfere with his system. In fact, he said his company could use images cloaked by Fawkes to improve its ability to make sense of altered images.

“There are billions of unmodified photos on the internet, all on different domain names,” Ton-That said. “In practice, it’s almost certainly too late to perfect a technology like Fawkes and deploy it at scale.”

Other experts were also skeptical that Fawkes would work. Joseph Atick, a facial recognitio­n pioneer who has come to regret the surveillan­ce society he helped to create, said the volume of images of ourselves that we had already made available would be too hard to overcome.

“The cat is out of the bag. We’re out there,” Atick said. “While I encourage this type of research, I’m highly skeptical this is a solution to solve the problem that we’re faced with.”

For Fawkes to have an immediate effect, we would need all the photos of ourselves that we had already posted to be cloaked overnight.

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 ?? New York Times photos ?? Original images of New York Times reporter Kashmir Hill are at left; at right are the “cloaked” versions.
New York Times photos Original images of New York Times reporter Kashmir Hill are at left; at right are the “cloaked” versions.

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