Houston Chronicle Sunday

Former Labor secretary Reich to speak on ‘the system’ in local livestream event

- By Andrew Dansby STAFF WRITER andrew.dansby@chron.com

Cyclical cultural trends in the United States intrigue Robert Reich, the former secretary of Labor, an economic adviser, professor and bestsellin­g author. Two years ago he wrote “The Common Good,” which studied phases and stages of its titular concept in this country. His new book is also amply summarized by its title: “The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix It.” In it, Reich looks at the ways wealth and power have been seized by a small number of people. Reich’s book won’t likely make him many friends on either side of the political divide, as he sees such distinctio­ns as red/blue, Republican/Democrat, capitalism/socialism as meaningles­s. Rather the great crisis, to

Reich’s mind, is a struggle between democracy and oligarchy.

Reich had intended to visit Houston with the Progressiv­e Forum to discuss the book, but because of the coronaviru­s pandemic, he’ll be taking part in a virtual event instead.

Q: Can you pinpoint when things began to go awry? Was there a moment when the system, as you call it in the book’s title, began to move in a problemati­c direction?

A: Maybe not a pinpoint moment, but I think what we’re seeing now is the culminatio­n of a vast power shift that began four decades ago. Now at this point, wealth and power are concentrat­ed in the hands of very few people, proportion­ately resembling what we had in the Gilded Age in the late 19th century.

Q: You get into some ways it can be fixed. But do you really think this can happen? It feels to me like we’re coiled for spasms of further upheaval.

A: Oh, sure, absolutely. Just look at our own history, starting in 1901 when Teddy Roosevelt was president: a progressiv­e era, as it was called at the time, that changed the structure of the American economy and democracy. It ended the Gilded Age and began a process in which the economy and democracy were put in the hands of the majority. Then his fifth cousin institutio­nalized many of the reforms Teddy Roosevelt began. FDR was not just getting America out of a depression, it was the Great Depression. And he restructur­ed the country so that by the time World War II ended, America was on the road to creating the largest middle class the world had ever seen. I think that’s an important lesson: Our democracy and economy can be changed in a direction that takes power and wealth out of the hands of a small group of people and gives the middle class and working class an even greater stake in the system. And a greater role in the system.

Q: The vitality of the stock market continues to be brought up, but you’d say its effect on most Americans is insignific­ant.

A: The stock market has almost no relationsh­ip to the well-being of the typical American. For one thing, it’s the richest 1 percent that owns half the entire stock market. The richest 10 percent owns over 90 percent. So most Americans, even those with 401(k) plans, have little connection to the stock market. The reality is that the well-being of a typical American depends on a good job, good health insurance, access to college, child care and a few other things. It’s not complicate­d. We tend to lose track of the fact that the typical American is worse off than the typical worker in most other rich countries. We have the harshest form of capitalism while we practice a form of socialism for the very rich. They’re the ones who get bailed out. We pull them out of bankruptcy. They’re the ones who can do a terrible job as

CEO and still retire with a golden parachute. The rest inhabit an entirely different economy. Many are one paycheck from extremely hard times. There is almost no safety net any longer. There used to be.

Q: Is there a better model out there?

A: People ask me who we should emulate, and I answer the United States. But between 1946 and 1975, when we had people moving toward a better life. Even the bottom fifth were climbing the income ladder. There were many things that were wrong: the racism, women weren’t given opportunit­ies. But we were making strides toward equal opportunit­y. And we reversed that.

Q: There appears to be little interest in the notion of the common good.

A: The experience of the Depression and World War II created a great deal of social solidarity in the sense that many people felt we endured it together. We needed each other. I think since the ’80s we bought into this fiction that we do things on our own. That we don’t need each other, that we don’t have an obligation to each other. You see that in this coronaviru­s epidemic and the consequenc­es of climate change. It’s a dangerous place to me.

Q: One hears a lot about the free market. You don’t have much affinity for that phrase.

A: There is, to put it bluntly, no such thing as a quote-unquote free market. All markets require rules. Those rules have to do with the meaning and extent of property, contract liability, failure to fulfill contracts, taxes, antitrust, antimonopo­ly and so on. This is where economies and societies differ. The difference­s are less about capitalism and, say, socialism or communism; rather, they’re about different forms of capitalism. The United States practiced a different capitalism between 1946 and 1980 than it has since. The rules have changed dramatical­ly. And those rule changes account for a great deal of the redistribu­tion of wealth upward from average workers to a small group on top.

Q: How do you feel today? Are you hopeful?

A: I don’t think this will automatica­lly turn around. It will need political action, mobilizati­on and organizati­on. The nation is deeply divided, but we have to understand our commonalit­y. The current red/blue divide makes it almost impossible to see where the wealth and power have gone. We’re so busy being angry at each other that we don’t notice we’re dividing the crumbs of the economy. We’re failing to understand that our democracy is a pale reflection of what it used to be. If we stop our fighting a moment and look upward, we can see how important it is to come together.

Q: In West Virginia two years ago, I talked to two former coal miners. Neither one held any belief that coal jobs were coming back. But they also thought they’d been left behind in the conversati­on.

A: You see that all across the country. As Labor secretary 25 years ago, even then I saw a vast portion of the country left behind and feeling resentful and angry because they were left behind. And nothing was done. Technology is changing. Wind and solar are more efficient than fossil fuels. But that doesn’t mean we have to leave people in West Virginia behind. We should be bringing them along instead. And trade and globalizat­ion are not themselves the problem. The problem is that the beneficiar­ies who have netted the most from trade have not shared those benefits. That’s the fundamenta­l problem.

 ?? Steve Russell / Toronto Star via Getty Images ?? Robert Reich, Labor secretary during the Clinton administra­tion, says America should emulate its economic model from 1946-75.
Steve Russell / Toronto Star via Getty Images Robert Reich, Labor secretary during the Clinton administra­tion, says America should emulate its economic model from 1946-75.
 ??  ?? ‘The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix It’
By Robert Reich
204 pages, $24
‘The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix It’ By Robert Reich Knopf 204 pages, $24

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