Houston Chronicle Sunday

Fears rise that virus may swamp presidency

Delta variant’s surge puts agenda at risk

- By Annie Linskey, Tyler Pager and Dan Diamond

WASHINGTON — The rapid increase in coronaviru­s infections driven by the delta variant over the past month is turning the country’s attention back to the pandemic and threatenin­g to subsume President Joe Biden’s agenda — just as the White House and its allies hoped to move on from the virus and focus on promoting the administra­tion’s other accomplish­ments.

Inside the White House, top officials are growing increasing­ly anxious about the state of the pandemic and are gravely concerned about the situation spiraling out of control in some areas of the country with low vaccinatio­n rates, according to two people who work in the administra­tion and two others in close touch with the White House.

Biden’s team had always expected to see additional coronaviru­s outbreaks, but the White House assumed the increases in infections would be “mounds” and not “peaks,” according to one top administra­tion official, who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity to reveal private discussion­s.

Officials are now looking at models that predict anywhere from a few thousand new COVID-19 cases to more than 200,000 every day in the fall. One new forecast also estimates the United States could see three times the number of daily deaths from the coronaviru­s by October compared to now. The current seven-day average is about 250 deaths per day.

“If you have hundreds of thou

sands of Americans getting sick, that’s problemati­c for any president,” said Cornell Belcher, who was one of former President Barack Obama’s pollsters. “It does become all consuming for the president — because he’s the president.”

More focus on COVID-19 leaves the president fewer opportunit­ies to sell the stimulus package that Congress approved earlier this year or travel the country pressuring lawmakers to back his infrastruc­ture plan. Other priorities that risk being squeezed include shoring up voting rights, a policing overhaul, gun control and new immigratio­n rules.

Biden’s CNN town hall last week was dominated by questions about the coronaviru­s — a marked change from his first formal news conference, during which the pandemic did not come up at all.

Americans are growing more concerned about the state of the pandemic. In an Axios-Ipsos poll conducted July 16-19, 39 percent of Americans said that returning to their pre-coronaviru­s life right now would be a risk, up from 28 percent in late June.

The White House has sought to place blame elsewhere, with Biden accusing social media platforms of “killing people” by allowing misinforma­tion to spread on their platforms. And allies have pointed out that the biggest infections increases are coming in Republican-led states — another way of deflecting from the administra­tion.

Top officials say Biden isn’t going to let up from his push for vaccinatio­ns and controllin­g the pandemic even as he works to make a spending deal with Congress.

“Getting the pandemic under control (and) protecting Americans from the spread of the virus has been (and) continues to be his number one priority,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Thursday. “It will continue to be his priority moving forward. There’s no question.”

One White House official, who was not authorized to speak publicly, said administra­tion health experts don’t expect hospitaliz­ations or deaths to reach the same levels seen during the height of the pandemic.

The White House has also been heartened that, in recent weeks, vaccinatio­n rates have risen faster than the national average in some states with high infection rates, such as Nevada and Florida, the person said.

Still, the delta variant surge is a serious enough threat that top White House officials and other administra­tion officials are debating whether to urge vaccinated Americans to wear masks in more settings, people familiar with the discussion said this week.

Top White House aide Mike Donilon told reporters that the virus has “been a primary focus from the time he came into office and hasn’t let up.”

“He hasn’t taken his eye off the ball there,” Donilon said.

Still, the president’s allies and top advisers have also been clear that they want to draw attention to other parts of his agenda — including making a strong case for the infrastruc­ture proposals via amped-up travel and events. In his call with reporters, Donilon walked through a slide show aimed at promoting Biden’s infrastruc­ture proposals.

“When people focus on how this agenda is paid for, support for it actually increases,” Donilon said. “It also rises as they learn more and more about the individual components.”

Top officials at Unite the Country, a pro-Biden super PAC, warned donors and surrogates earlier this month that focus groups with swing-state voters revealed that even many Biden supporters know little about his accomplish­ments.

“There is a real lack of informatio­n about the specifics of the Biden agenda,” according to a memo from the super PAC that was obtained by the Washington Post.

The memo, issued before the delta variant spread widely, didn’t directly mention COVID-19. But there was one nod to a possible political benefit of a raging virus.

Since 1992, the sitting president has avoided significan­t midterm losses just twice (in 1998 and 2002), and in both cases it was because the president “was able to harness energy around a national crisis to remain popular,” according to the memo.

Indeed, voters give Biden high marks for his handling of the coronaviru­s crisis, and they’re more comfortabl­e with his performanc­e there than on other issues such as his handling of the economy or immigratio­n.

Sixty-six percent of Americans say he’s doing a “good job” handling the coronaviru­s, according to a recent CBS News-YouGov poll. In the same poll, 58 percent of respondent­s approve of his performanc­e as president.

“If anything, when COVID is not on the agenda — when people are not focused on COVID — his numbers tend to settle a little bit because people think, ‘Who would be better on the next thing?’ ” said Celinda Lake, a Democratic pollster who did work for Biden’s presidenti­al campaign.

Still, Republican­s see the next phase of the pandemic as a potential weakness for the president.

“The biggest thing that the average person knew was that everything was going to be over by July 4,” said Corry Bliss, a Republican strategist. “Now we’re a couple weeks past July 4, and the message from the White House is, ‘We have no idea what’s going on.’ ”

Bliss said the White House “looks lost and message-less.”

“They declared mission accomplish­ed and the new slogan should be mission incompeten­ce,” Bliss said. “The only part of getting back to normal was the vaccine rollout which was a direct result of the Trump administra­tion and Operation Warp Speed. It’s unclear that they’ve done a single thing to advance the ball on COVID.”

Biden targeted the Fourth of July as his goal for when the country would “begin to mark our independen­ce from this virus,” as he put it in March, and Americans could safely gather in small groups.

As July Fourth approached, however, administra­tion officials nervously watched as the delta variant wreaked havoc in countries around the world.

The president still gave a victory speech of sorts on Independen­ce Day, declaring “the virus is on the run and America is coming back,” but officials familiar with the planning of the event said the speech was toned down to reflect the uncertaint­y around the variant.

Biden’s overall low-key approach to the virus worries observers taking a longer view of his presidency.

Douglas Brinkley, a presidenti­al historian, noted that Franklin Delano Roosevelt traveled “nonstop” when he was president, despite a physical disability. “Why can’t Biden be more mobile and out there talking to people? No president can be above the fray in a pandemic.”

Brinkley also said that Biden’s first six months in office became dominated by a swirl of non-COVID issues, including voting rights and infrastruc­ture. “There came a false sense of security on the COVID front,” Brinkley said. “People will think in history that Biden needed to be doing regular addresses to the American public. That this was such a large emergency, with so many deaths on the line, that he need to be beating the drum more forcefully.”

Biden may have a chance to rectify this stance in the fall.

Experts have cautioned that the delta variant — which first emerged in India and now represents more than 83 percent of U.S. coronaviru­s cases — is far more transmissi­ble than prior strains of the virus, leading to a sharp uptick in new infections.

The daily average of confirmed coronaviru­s cases has roughly quadrupled in the past month, from about 11,000 per day in late June to 44,011 now, according to the Washington Post’s seven-day average of coronaviru­s cases. Variant-linked cases also have fueled a 59 percent increase in hospitaliz­ations in Florida and a 76 percent increase in Louisiana in the past week, disproport­ionately among unvaccinat­ed Americans.

“It is one of the most infectious respirator­y viruses we know of and that I have seen in my 20-year career,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Rochelle Walensky told reporters on Thursday, urging holdout Americans to get vaccinated. Only about 49 percent of all Americans have been fully vaccinated against the coronaviru­s, according to the Post’s tracking.

 ?? Demetrius Freeman / Washington Post ?? President Joe Biden “hasn’t taken his eye off the ball” when it comes to the coronaviru­s pandemic, the White House says.
Demetrius Freeman / Washington Post President Joe Biden “hasn’t taken his eye off the ball” when it comes to the coronaviru­s pandemic, the White House says.

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