Houston Chronicle Sunday

What type of person wants to buy your home?

- Richard Miranda, with Keller Williams Platinum, is 2021 chairman of the Houston Associatio­n of Realtors/HAR.com.

People may select homes based on their wants and needs, but their personalit­ies affect the transactio­n, too. As a seller, you can benefit from knowing about the different types of buyers you’ll encounter. Such an understand­ing will help you avoid frustratio­ns and make the transactio­n and negotiatio­ns go much smoother.


Some buyers can be aggressive. This may just be their nature — some people jump into everything — or because of circumstan­ces. In the current market, for example, competitio­n from other would-be buyers may pressure someone into being pushy. But it’s also possible that they are being forced to relocate for work or they’ve been looking so long that they’re tired of the house-hunting process and are ready to buy. The aggressive buyer is ready to make the purchase and will usually be an all-cash buyer or have financing lined up. They may push for an earlier closing or make lots of demands in the contract.


Maybe they will, and maybe they won’t. Those who just like to look might buy a home at some point, but today? Well, they’re not really sure if it’s the best time. What’s the rush? Buyers in this group usually spend a lot of time at open houses — virtual or in-person — and looking at properties online. They’ll tour your house more than once and seem to really like it, but they’re not ready to move forward. These folks may even have their financing lined up but refuse to pull the trigger on a purchase.


Then there are the perfection­ists. Sure, they will make an offer — on the perfect home. Be prepared for these buyers to view your home more than once, but end up determinin­g that the eastern-facing front door is not an acceptable feature, and then move on. Or, if they do make an offer, it comes with so many extra conditions that you’ll wonder why they don’t just build a new house on their own.

They will want you to replace front door because it’s the “wrong” color or rip up the carpet in the master bedroom because it clashes with their sheets. Such small details shouldn’t matter. A little paint goes a long way, carpet can be replaced, and furniture can be changed. But logic doesn’t matter to this buyer.


The opposite of the perfection­ist is the buyer that doesn’t care about your home’s problems. Outdated bathrooms? Popcorn ceilings in every room? A bad foundation? No problem. These buyers either intend to remodel the moment they get the keys or they are real estate investors who will buy nearly anything to turn a profit. While these buyers won’t be scared away by a property’s shortcomin­gs, they also will want a low price.

Call for help?

Your Realtor can help you understand the different types of home buyers you may encounter. He or she can come up with a marketing plan and negotiatio­n strategy that works best for the type of buyer interested in your house. This service may even include determinin­g if the potential buyer is even qualified to submit an offer, saving you time and aggravatio­n.

The ultimate goal of a real estate transactio­n, of course, is a timely sale. However, being aware of the motivation­s and characteri­stics of different types of buyers can reduce (but probably not eliminate) the stress of selling your home.

For more helpful real estate informatio­n and access to real estate listings across the great state of Texas, please visit HAR.com.


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