Houston Chronicle Sunday


Keep your Apple security — and your keyboard — up to date.

- BOB LEVITUS boblevitus@mac.com

I’ve got a couple of things for you this week. The first is a word to the wise about the latest Apple Security updates; the second is a follow-up to my recent column on typing faster and ergonomic keyboards.

I’ll start with the most recent security updates. As you’ve no doubt noticed, Apple periodical­ly updates its operating systems to patch security holes. I can’t remember the last time I mentioned one of these minor updates in a column, so I think it’s about time.

I’m not talking about major OS upgrades, like macOS Big Sur (v11) to macOS Monterey (v12) or iOS/ iPadOS v14 to v15 later this year. I am talking about the plethora of security updates Apple introduces between those major upgrades.

According to Apple, “keeping your software up to date is one of the most important things you can do to maintain your Apple product’s security.” When it comes to security updates, I agree (and strongly).

I mention it today because the most recent batch of security updates — macOS (11.5.1), iOS (14.5.1) and iPadOS (14.5.1) — come with stronger words than usual: “Apple is aware of a report that this issue may have been actively exploited.”

In other words, while many security updates fix a vulnerabil­ity before being found in the wild, the latest batch fix an exploit that is likely to have already compromise­d some Macs, iPhones or iPads.

I urge you to make sure your devices are running their respective operating systems’ latest and most secure release. You can find additional informatio­n on security updates as well as links to the latest releases at https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201222.

While I still think it’s prudent to wait for a bug fix release (or two) before installing a major operating system upgrade, I recommend you install Apple security updates without hesitation.

Moving right along, a couple of weeks ago, I told you that you could speed up everything you do on your Mac by typing faster. And that I type faster on my beloved Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000 — my keyboard of choice for more than a decade — than on any Apple keyboard.

It turns out that model is discontinu­ed, and its price (if you can even find one) has skyrockete­d. The similarly named Microsoft Ergonomic Keyboard appears to be the successor, so I ordered one.

While the Microsoft Ergonomic Keyboard looks and feels like the older Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000, it is not the same. The new model has a different key layout, smaller keys and a couple of new and annoying keys that do nothing on a Mac. I don’t recommend this one, and have yet to find an ergonomic keyboard I like as much as the discontinu­ed model. I’ll let you know if I do.

Until then, I think any third-party keyboard with longer key travel and mechanical key switches — ergonomic or not — is likely to improve your typing speed. So please let me know if you find a keyboard that improves yours.

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