Houston Chronicle Sunday

Unsure about asking for a raise?

- By Lindsey Novak Email career and life coach at Lindsey@LindseyNov­ak.com with your workplace problems and issues. For more informatio­n, visit www.lindseynov­ak.com.

Q: I work at a small company, so I accept whatever task asked of me. The company owner is nice and personable. I like the work, too, which is why I put myself out for him. My helpful attitude has enabled me to take on more responsibi­lities, which means more work.

When an employee left, I took on her job in addition to my own so the owner could take the necessary time to find the right person for the position. He has repeatedly thanked me for not having to hire someone quickly, which could lead to a bad hire. I worked on both jobs for about two months because it showed him what I could do and how dependable I am. He trusts me, so he has even asked me to take on some tasks of his so he can focus on growing the business. I gladly accepted the extra responsibi­lity. I am beginning to feel like his assistant, but I now think I deserve a raise.

I don’t know how long I should be performing in this capacity before asking for one; I have never before asked for a raise. I always waited for the yearly increases. The thought of negotiatin­g scares me because I don’t want him to think I will leave if I don’t get one. What should I do?

A: You will need to prepare yourself in several areas before you forge ahead and ask for a raise. Since you have waited passively to be given increases in the past, you have work to do. It would not be wise to press for such a meeting before you feel prepared, confident and knowledgea­ble about the company’s history and the owner.

Discreetly gather as much informatio­n as you can about the salaries of other employees, the issues around why others have resigned and the typical length of employment for employees. In a small, privately owned company, it is important you do not ask questions or express concerns with anyone there. Just take note of the informatio­n you hear. Be observant.

Consider how the owner spends money — both personally and for the company. Is he frugal when purchasing office supplies, business cards, furniture and more? How generous are the employee benefits? Has he held employee celebratio­ns at a restaurant or at the office? Have parties included meals or just snacks, alcohol or soft drinks? Is he flashy in his personal life? Does he own luxury cars and boats? Small-business owners are free to spend as they wish. Some put money into the business, while others are known for taking money out, even when they shouldn’t.

According to Valeria Stokes, a vice president of human resources, “You need to have the courage to advocate for yourself. Asking for a raise is based on an expanded scope of work that is not in your job descriptio­n. This may be due to a special project beyond your expected work or added work that has stretched you to reach greater value through new job duties. Working hard or longer hours without a change in the job scope will not justify a raise. You will have to determine your value.” Stokes said you should also decide what is most important to you — your job or the money.

Your boss trusts your work and knows he can rely on you, so he will not fire you for asking for a raise. Once you believe in yourself, you can meet with him and present your request with your reasoning. The worst he can say is no. You know him to be a good person, so he may thank you for your dedication and explain he simply cannot afford to give you a raise at this time. You will feel better for learning how to be your own advocate, and you can continue in the job you love until you decide the money is more important. Q: I come from a family where all my younger brothers got jobs in the trades, as I did. I’m in my late 40s now, and with all the people I meet with college degrees, I feel like I missed out on an important part of life. I’m in a trade union, so I make good money and always get assigned to new jobs when needed, but I can’t stop thinking about what it would’ve been like to go to college. I was a slower learner in high school, but I still can’t stop thinking about college. Should I try to get into college? What are the odds of me getting a job in a business major at this point in my life?

A: It’s hard to discourage a person with a strong desire, so consider the possibilit­ies before taking action so you can make an educated decision. You have a lot in your favor now with your job; you learned a trade well enough to join a union and collect union wages. Unions negotiate and protect their members by ensuring they work under safe, acceptable conditions and receive wages to allow for a comfortabl­e lifestyle. Also, union employees are not judged by their likability.

Most business jobs don’t have unions to represent and protect them. Employees in the business field have to meet many expectatio­ns in soft skills (personal character traits such as amenabilit­y, diplomacy, resourcefu­lness, creativity, analytical abilities and more) in addition to their hard skills, efficiency, accuracy and dependabil­ity. New business hires may not realize how important likability is, but the majority of people who are fired in a corporate environmen­t have been considered to be stubborn, argumentat­ive, disagreeab­le and just plain difficult at work. People like to work with pleasant, positive people, which isn’t a serious considerat­ion in a union job.

Changing careers when nearing 50 can be done successful­ly, but adding to previous knowledge in a field is easier than learning an entirely new field. According to a 2020 article from Harvard Medical School titled “How Memory and Thinking Ability Change With Age,” scientists see the brain as continuous­ly changing and developing across the entire life span.

That doesn’t mean you should abandon your dreams. Since you remember being a slow learner in school, start by taking one course at a time to see how well you do. Rushing into this life change and leaving your job could set you on the road for failure, which might not have occurred had you been patient. Check out programs at local or community colleges. Many schools have evening divisions and weekend courses. Also, keep this personal activity confidenti­al at work. Hearing negative comments or being taunted by coworkers will only thwart your efforts in the course.

Establishi­ng an additional routine takes time. If you do well after several courses, consider taking two per quarter/ semester, but don’t leave a good job to attend school full time. Finding a business job may still be a long shot. If you complete your degree, you will be competing in a job market with new graduates in their 20s. To take advantage of your 20 years working in the trades, apply for jobs on the business side of the constructi­on industry.

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