Houston Chronicle Sunday


- By Georgia Nicols, for Sunday, June 12, 2022

The stars show the kind of day you’ll have:

★★★★★ Dynamic

★★★★ Positive

★★★ Average

★★ So-so

★ Difficult

MOON ALERT: Avoid shopping or important decisions from 5:15 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. EDT today (2:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. PDT). After that, the Moon moves from Scorpio into Sagittariu­s.


(March 21-April 19)


Often, Aries has a short fuse. (You know who you are.) Therefore, if you’re unhappy about financial matters today — or if dealing with banks or talking to someone older or someone in authority — zip thy lip. You’ll be glad you did. This Week: Short trips and fun!


(April 20-May 20)


Today Mercury is in your sign at odds with Saturn, and an opposing Moon, which means it’s easy to fall into an argumentat­ive mode or be grumpy with others. There is no upside to this. Your best choice is to demonstrat­e grace under pressure.

This Week: Socialize and wardrobe shopping.


(May 21-June 20)


Today you have to make an effort to cultivate a positive frame of mind because it’s easy to default into a bad mood. The thing about a bad mood is it makes others unhappy, and you feel lousy. (A smile is a frown turned upside down.)

This Week: Enjoy talking to everyone!


( June 21-July 22)


Avoid squabbles with friends and members of groups today, because they will easily arise. Likewise, you might have disputes with your kids or about banking issues, inheritanc­es or shared property. Remember, patience is the antidote to anger.

This Week: Enjoy artistic friends.


( July 23-Aug. 22)


This is a classic day for family arguments, arguments with partners and spouses, and arguments with parents and bosses. (It’s hard to keep your shirt on when you want to get something off your chest.) Be patient with others.

This Week: A fun-loving, popular week!


(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)


Steer clear of political issues and controvers­ial subjects like race and religion, because they will quickly escalate into an argument, which is something you don’t need. Put yourself first. This means don’t engage in arguments; instead, value your own peace of mind. You matter.

This Week: Travel for pleasure.


(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)


Financial disputes are likely today, especially about inheritanc­es, banking matters or something to do with your kids or the cost of a social event. Meanwhile, you are one sign that needs harmony in your environmen­t. Remember this.

This Week: Meet new and different people.


(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)


Today the Moon is in your sign at odds with Mercury and Saturn. Avoid squabbling with friends and family over plans. It’s far better to chill out with a movie or something fun. This Week: Work hard; party hard!


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)


You might disagree with how a work project is going today. Or perhaps your disagreeme­nt is based on something you’ve been worried about, which means you feel sensitive about this subject. You’re anxious.

This Week: Enjoy sports and fun outings!


(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)


Don’t threaten a warm friendship or relations with someone with angry squabbles today, which can easily happen. They might relate to a social occasion, your kids or something to do with the arts or the entertainm­ent world. Stay chill.

This Week: Romance and social outings!


( Jan. 20-Feb. 18)


Today you’re high-viz. All the more reason to avoid arguments with bosses, parents and authority figures, because why end up with egg on your face? Not cool!

This Week: Accept invitation­s to party!


(Feb. 19-March 20)


This could be an accidentpr­one day because of your emotions. That’s because you might be angry at someone, and this anger distracts you from what you’re doing.

This Week: Entertain at home!


You are sociable, friendly, witty and intelligen­t. You are curious about everything, and you hate to be bored. (This can make you change moods quickly.)

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