Houston Chronicle Sunday

Deadly abortion recipes are raising alarms

- By Ella Ceron

TikTok and other social media platforms are attempting to clamp down on posts highlighti­ng certain toxic herbs that some say might stop a pregnancy, as doctors sound the alarm over their potentiall­y fatal effects for the person taking them.

The posts appear to be warnings on substances that pregnant people should avoid, while providing detailed informatio­n on how they could cause miscarriag­es when ingested. Medical profession­als saw an uptick of such content after a draft Supreme Court opinion overturnin­g Roe v. Wade — a law that provided federal protection for abortion rights for five decades — was leaked in May, and even more after that decision was confirmed the following month. Rolling Stone reported that some hashtags and videos on TikTok especially have been viewed hundreds of thousands of times.

They became so prevalent that Josh Trebach, an emergency physician and medical toxicologi­st, was compelled to tweet on the dangers of such posts.

“There is no herbal or plant or tea or tincture-based method of abortion that is safer or more effective than the current medical standards of care,” Trebach said, stressing that the Food and Drug Administra­tion has approved mifepristo­ne and misoprosto­l as medication abortion pills.

When reached for comment, representa­tives for TikTok said most of the posts Bloomberg highlighte­d had been deleted. The platform’s community guidelines say content “depicting, promoting, normalizin­g or glorifying dangerous acts that may lead to serious injury or death,” as well as such content that is “conducted in a non-profession­al context or without the necessary skills and safety precaution­s that may lead to serious injury or death for the user or the public.”

A Twitter spokespers­on said the company would “continue to elevate credible, reliable informatio­n,” which includes efforts to curb misinforma­tion before it roots. The platform’s rules do not prohibit discussion about abortion, the spokespers­on added.

‘Unsafe’ informatio­n

Trebach and other doctors are taking to social media to detail how some of the herbs highlighte­d in these posts may lead to serious health complicati­ons — even death. Some herbalists and witch practition­ers are also worried and are pushing back against posts, which they believe misreprese­nt the work they do, Input magazine reported.

One of Trebach’s tweets debunking the use of pennyroyal oil, which is an extract of the mentha pulegium plant and contains a toxic substance, has racked up thousands of retweets. Any form of ingestion can lead to liver tissue death and cause a variety of symptoms including vomiting, seizures, liver and kidney failure, as well as death, Trebach said. People seeking medication abortion support should reach out to vetted advocacy organizati­ons, as well as their own doctor if they have access to one, he added.

Doctors are increasing­ly worried about the posts at a time when dwindling access to abortion is increasing desperatio­n to end pregnancie­s among people who live in states where it’s illegal.

“Misinforma­tion can be harmful because it may lead people to try to end their pregnancie­s in an unsafe way, potentiall­y exposing them to serious bodily harm,” said Nisha Verma, an obstetrici­an, gynecologi­st, and abortion provider with the American College of Obstetrici­ans and Gynecologi­sts.

FDA representa­tives did not immediatel­y respond to a request for comment regarding social media posts about herbs believed to cause abortions.

“The spectrum of approaches people have used to try to induce an abortion ranges from the less effective or ineffectiv­e (herbal treatments) to the unsafe (chemicals or incorrect medication­s) to the dangerous (physical harm),” said Megan N. Freeland, a doctor of pharmacy and the director of health communicat­ions at Planned Parenthood Federation of America. “The most effective, well-studied regimen for medication abortion in the U.S. is mifepristo­ne and misoprosto­l.”

Chilling effect

Abortion medication is approved by the FDA to terminate pregnancie­s until the 10-week gestation point and is less likely than either Tylenol or Viagra to send people to the emergency room.

Still, state restrictio­ns and finances can make such treatments feel out of reach. Nineteen states require that a doctor be physically present when a patient takes the abortion pill, ruling out telemedici­ne or other more accessible options for care. And as some states issue more and more restrictio­ns and bans against abortion, and others see an increase in patients from other states, a dwindling number of available appointmen­ts may drive pregnant people to seek alternativ­es.

While abortion seekers can find support from digital resources such as Plan C and ineedana.com, there are ways in which their online search histories may implicate them, as the American Civil Liberties Union has highlighte­d.

The National Advocates for Pregnant Women, an abortion-rights group, says it has chronicled over 1,700 cases in which people were charged in relation to a pregnancy outcome between 1973 and 2020. Those targeted by the charges, which can result in fines and criminal records, are disproport­ionately people of color, according to obstetrici­an and gynecologi­st Verma.

Because of these risks, it is “essential that clinicians understand how to protect patient privacy and confidenti­ality when caring for a patient who is self-managing or has selfmanage­d an abortion,” Verma said.

An added concern among doctors is that abortion restrictio­ns will create a chilling effect for people seeking medical help. The fact that some aren’t able to access the care they need reveals a larger problem with the health care system, according to emergency doctor Trebach.

“It is much, much easier to go to TikTok or Facebook or Twitter than it is to make an appointmen­t with your primary doctor seven weeks from now,” he said. “Things need to get better and things need to change.”

 ?? Associated Press file photo ?? Mifepristo­ne and misoprosto­l are FDA-approved abortion medication­s; herbal recipes are not.
Associated Press file photo Mifepristo­ne and misoprosto­l are FDA-approved abortion medication­s; herbal recipes are not.

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