Houston Chronicle Sunday

Vacation rentals do not equal a family’s home

- By Rodney Ellis Rodney Ellis is a Harris County commission­er who has represente­d Precinct 1 since 2017. He is a former member of the Houston City Council and a former state senator.

Five years ago, the Gulf Coast absorbed the staggering impact of a hurricane that brought more than 60 inches of rain in some areas and left 88 people dead in Texas. But for Texans, Hurricane Harvey was just one of several catastroph­ic weather events in recent memory.

Since 2016, the state has endured a historic winter storm, two droughts, five hurricanes and 28 severe storms, inflicting an estimated $193 billion in damage. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is responsibl­e for helping storm-damaged communitie­s rebuild through the developmen­t of infrastruc­ture projects, but its reliance on benefit-cost analysis to advance projects from concept to reality often leaves lower-income communitie­s at risk by centering property value as a decisionma­king factor.

To put it simply, Corps flood infrastruc­ture gets built on the side of town where houses and the dirt under them cost more. As climate disasters become increasing­ly frequent and destructiv­e, all levels of government must shift to policies that put people over property values.

Environmen­tal injustice in Houston is perpetuate­d when federal disaster mitigation and response agencies such as FEMA and the Corps are driven by an outdated, congressio­nally mandated benefit-cost methodolog­y in making financial investment decisions in postdisast­er response and pre-disaster mitigation.

This approach, firmly entrenched in federal law since as far back as 1936, converts the outcomes of a disaster into a dollar amount — regardless of who is suffering the consequenc­e and what resources they have. By this logic, damage to a million-dollar vacation home is given more priority than a multigener­ational family losing everything in a ZIP code with lower property values.

Such cost-benefit policies hide behind a false rigor that gives the impression of moral objectivit­y while causing harm that, like the shameful and discrimina­tory practice of redlining, will take generation­s to mitigate. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Recently, the Corps started the multi-year Administra­tive Procedures Act process to require that the project planning decision framework considers, in a comprehens­ive manner, the total benefits of project alternativ­es, including equal considerat­ion of economic, environmen­tal and social effects categories. By expanding the Benefits Cost Analysis methodolog­y to capture total costs and benefits and eliminate inequities, the Corps would fulfill its obligation to protect communitie­s in harm’s way.

This change would require analyses beyond the simple aggregatio­n of property values to determine benefits. It would also require a more comprehens­ive view of the residual economic and social risks that emerge when communitie­s of color are disproport­ionately impacted by disaster, losing wealth generation after generation, while white communitie­s gain wealth.

Changing this policy would bring us closer to environmen­tal justice, but more work will be needed. At every stage of the disaster cycle, vulnerable population­s face barriers to recovery and struggle to influence the programs and projects meant to help them recover.

When planned projects may have adverse impacts, whether it involves dredge material placement or air emissions, the Corps must meaningful­ly consult with communitie­s. In Houston and Harris County, this could take the form of active outreach to community groups and civic associatio­ns well before comment period deadlines and widespread disseminat­ion of informatio­n about potential impacts in plain language, with opportunit­ies for the community to understand and help shape mitigation efforts. Much like the benefits-cost analysis, the current approach to community engagement is insufficie­nt and validates a lack of trust between residents whose interests have been overlooked and whose communitie­s remain underrepre­sented.

Over its 120-year history, the Corps has evolved from building trenches, railroads and bridges to a sophistica­ted operation that touches our nation’s ports, dams, hydroelect­ric facilities and much more. It has modernized every aspect of its operation, from the bayous to the battlefiel­d. Now, it needs to modernize its approach to the greatest existentia­l threat in our lifetimes: the climate crisis.

Floods and other disasters don’t respect political jurisdicti­ons or distributi­on methodolog­ies. We can’t control the weather, but we can challenge a long-standing driver of inequity: the congressio­nally mandated formula that deprives disadvanta­ged communitie­s of flood risk reduction investment­s.

The Corps of today did not create these antiquated policies, but it can — and it should — change them.

 ?? Mark Mulligan/Staff photograph­er ?? Annie Green looks at the remains of the Houston home where she has lived for 46 years after it was demolished in 2020.
Mark Mulligan/Staff photograph­er Annie Green looks at the remains of the Houston home where she has lived for 46 years after it was demolished in 2020.

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