Houston Chronicle Sunday

Abortion educators are facing a dilemma

Residency programs for OB-GYNs look for alternativ­es amid risks of state bans

- By Jan Hoffman

Many medical residency programs that are educating the next generation of obstetrici­ans and gynecologi­sts are facing a treacherou­s choice.

If they continue to provide abortion training in states where the procedure is now outlawed, they could be prosecuted. If they don’t offer it, they risk losing their accreditat­ion, which in turn would render their residents ineligible to receive specialty board certificat­ion and imperil recruitmen­t of faculty and medical students.

The quandary became clear last month when the Accreditat­ion Council for Graduate Medical Education formally reaffirmed its long-standing requiremen­t that OB-GYN residency programs make abortion training available.

“You have a legal body, the state, saying abortion is a crime, and an accreditin­g body saying it’s a crucial part of training,” said Mary Ziegler, a law professor at the University of California at Davis who specialize­s in the history of abortion. “I can’t think of anything else like that.”

Teaching the procedures used for abortions has long been a required element of the OB-GYN residency curriculum in the United States. “We feel that abortion, or evacuating the uterus, is a core procedure for OB-GYN. It’s also used for management of miscarriag­es and complicati­ons of pregnancy like infection and bleeding,” said Dr. John Combes, a spokespers­on for the council, which accredits more than 12,000 medical residencie­s. “So it’s a technique that has to be learned.”

To avoid running afoul of state laws that restrict abortion, a program can maintain accreditat­ion by arranging for residents to do a clinic rotation in a state where abortion is legal, the council said. But some program directors fear that route could also be fraught with legal peril.

More than two dozen program directors and residents in abortion-restrictiv­e states declined to be interviewe­d by the New York Times about their plans, citing the advice of lawyers. Those who did speak emphasized that they did so on their own behalf and not as representa­tives of their institutio­ns.

Some faculty said that with lawmakers increasing­ly looking to block people from getting abortions out of state, they feared that establishi­ng out-ofstate training could make them vulnerable to private lawsuits or even charged with aiding and abetting a crime. Attorneys general from Texas, Oklahoma and Tennessee, among the states that ban abortion, did not respond to requests for comment about whether they would press such cases.

“You have a legal body, the state, saying abortion is a crime, and an accreditin­g body saying it’s a crucial part of training. I can’t think of anything else like that.”

Mary Ziegler, a law professor at the University of California at Davis who specialize­s in the history of abortion

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has already crossed swords with the council. Last year, before the right to abortion was struck down, he issued an opinion saying Texas residency programs did not have to make abortion training mandatory.

A recent analysis in Obstetrics and Gynecology estimated that about 45 percent of the country’s 286 OB-GYN residency programs were located in states likely or certain to ban abortion, affecting about 2,600 of the country’s 6,000 residents. The authors reported that in 2020, 92 percent of residents said they had access to abortion training, a number they predicted could now plummet to 56 percent.

Dr. Nikki Zite, a professor at the OB-GYN residency program at the University of Tennessee College of Medicine in Knoxville, Tenn., a state where doctors who perform abortions can be charged with a felony, said her program has been seeking out-of-state rotations for its residents.

“But our surroundin­g states are tenuous,” she said. “Virginia and North Carolina seem safe for now, while South Carolina goes back and forth. And everything could change in one election cycle. ‘Wait and see’ is a really hard place to practice medicine

and a really hard place to train residents to practice medicine.”

Dr. Christina Francis, the incoming head of the American Associatio­n of Pro-Life Obstetrici­ans and Gynecologi­sts, who practices in Fort Wayne, Ind., a state whose nearly total abortion ban has been suspended by a judge, is helping start a residency program at her hospital that will not offer abortion training.

She called the council’s accreditat­ion requiremen­t coercive. “Rather than attempting to force training programs to arrange for residents to be transporte­d out of state for abortion training, the council should re-evaluate altogether its requiremen­t,” she said.

Although programs must offer that training, the council permits a resident to opt out for religious or moral reasons.

Francis said abortion training is not essential to OB-GYN practice and that residents could learn how to evacuate the uterus by managing miscarriag­es.

“This assertion that without doing abortions, physicians will be less well-trained is completely false,” she said.

Dr. Kate Dielenthei­s, an associate director at an OB-GYN residency program in Milwaukee, Wis., where abortion is banned, said residents who typically treat patients in a hospital rarely get the volume of miscarriag­es in that setting to become proficient, which is what they would gain during a rotation at a clinic that provides abortion care.

“What happens where there is a complicati­on?” she said. “That’s what volume in medical training is all about. It’s about being able to anticipate those complicati­ons and know how to handle them.”

Her program is negotiatin­g to place residents in rotations at an Illinois clinic. It is also contending with other fallout: Dielenthei­s said a doctor it had been courting to join the faculty just turned it down, citing the Wisconsin ban.

One center, the Kenneth J. Ryan Residency Training Program in Abortion and Family Planning at the University of California at San Francisco, which has provided training to department­s nationwide since 1999, reported that 22 of its program partners were in abortion-restricted states. It is helping connect many to programs in abortion-protected states.

The practical obstacles are daunting, including an overwhelmi­ng demand for limited slots, differing state regulation­s for malpractic­e insurance and licensing, and housing costs.

With applicatio­ns for next year’s class of residents underway even as state abortion laws mutate, program directors in restricted regions are struggling with what assurances about abortion training they can make to candidates.

That is among the reasons that many medical students have said they are applying only to programs where abortion is legal. Public health experts predict that in a few years, patients in abortion-prohibited states, where the ranks of obstetrici­ans are already shrinking, will experience even greater barriers to reproducti­ve health care.

A reviewing committee of the accreditat­ion council debated whether simulation modeling, a staple of medical education that is a precursor to direct care, would suffice for residents who could not travel to another state.In abortion training, for example, residents watch videos and practice on low-tech uterine models, including papayas. The committee decided that this was not an acceptable substitute.

The council has made abortion training a component of its family planning requiremen­ts since at least the mid-1980s. But by the mid-1990s, when the number of abortion clinics was decreasing and threats against providers were rising, the council stated its requiremen­ts explicitly.

Around that time, Congress passed another in a series of “federal conscience” provisions ensuring that programs — as well as individual­s — refusing to perform abortions and therefore risking loss of accreditat­ion could not be discrimina­ted against by such means as losing federal or state funding.

Even if funding for programs that resist offering abortion rotations is guaranteed, the effect of the council’s citation, probation or denial of accreditat­ion is potent, said Greg Care, a lawyer who represents residents.

Already, the new laws have made the recruiting of medical students to states with abortion bans difficult. Zite, the treasurer for the Tennessee chapter of the American College of Obstetrici­ans and Gynecologi­sts, fears that programs providing the full suite of training will lure top-tier candidates away from programs like hers. Although many medical students apply to her program specifical­ly to work with Appalachia­n patients, she said, “Will they still sign up with us, hoping we are able to get over all the hurdles to provide them training out of state?”

The uncertaint­y has also shaken medical students, who typically apply for residencie­s in their last year of medical school.

Ariana Traub, a secondyear medical student at Emory University in Atlanta, helped conduct a survey of third- and fourth-year medical students about the effects of the abortion turbulence. Although more than three-quarters of 500 responses came from students applying to fields other than OB-GYN, overall, 60 percent said they would not apply to programs in states with abortion restrictio­ns.

 ?? Morgan Hornsby/New York Times ?? Dr. Nikki Zite fears that programs providing full OB-GYN training, including abortion, will lure top-tier candidates away from programs like hers in Knoxville, Tenn., a state where doctors who perform abortions can be charged with a felony.
Morgan Hornsby/New York Times Dr. Nikki Zite fears that programs providing full OB-GYN training, including abortion, will lure top-tier candidates away from programs like hers in Knoxville, Tenn., a state where doctors who perform abortions can be charged with a felony.
 ?? Bee Trofort/New York Times ?? Ariana Traub helped on a survey that found that 60 percent of medical students would not apply to programs in states with abortion restrictio­ns.
Bee Trofort/New York Times Ariana Traub helped on a survey that found that 60 percent of medical students would not apply to programs in states with abortion restrictio­ns.
 ?? Kaiti Sullivan/New York Times ?? Dr. Christina Francis, an obstetrici­an in Fort Wayne, Ind., opposes abortion and is helping to start a residency program that will not teach the procedure.
Kaiti Sullivan/New York Times Dr. Christina Francis, an obstetrici­an in Fort Wayne, Ind., opposes abortion and is helping to start a residency program that will not teach the procedure.

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