Houston Chronicle

Speech suppressio­n grows on campus

Kathleen Parker says colleges and universiti­es often boast of diversity of people but too often fail to encourage diversity of thought.

- Parker’s email address is kathleenpa­rker@washpost.com.

Trigger warning: This column will include discussion of ideas that may conflict with your own.

Those accustomed to reading or listening only to liberal commentato­rs may not be aware of “trigger warnings” and “safe zones” on college campuses.

It seems that mostly conservati­ve sites and writers are concerned with the increasing­ly draconian suppressio­n of free speech on college campuses. But then, it is mostly conservati­ve writers and speakers who are treated as though they’re bringing the Ebola virus rather than contrarian ideas to the sensitive ears of what we may as well name the “Swaddled Generation.”

A trigger warning is usually conveyed on a sign carried or posted near the auditorium where a speech is to be given, alerting students to the possibilit­y that the speaker may express an idea that could trigger an emotional response. A discussion about campus rape statistics, for example, might cause a rape victim to suffer.

This was the case recently at Georgetown University when Christina Hoff Sommers, resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and author of “Who Stole Feminism?”, was greeted by sign-carriers warning: “Anti-Feminism,” with the room number of a “safe space.”

Students elsewhere have taken their trigger-phobia a step further, urging professors to add warnings to syllabuses alerting swaddlers to the possibilit­y that a course might prompt uncomforta­ble thoughts. At Rutgers University, a student proposed flagging F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” as potentiall­y upsetting owing to “a variety of scenes that reference gory, abusive and misogynist­ic violence.”

Protection­s against unpleasant thoughts can be arranged only by managing unpleasant speech. Thus, anyone who dares question any of the communally collected “understand­ings” of proper thought, presumably embraced during share-time and group hugs, won’t be celebrated as a curious mind but condemned as a “hater.”

Now there’s a winning debate argument. If you’re 5.

Such playground rhetoric is, neverthele­ss, effective, first by intimidati­ng and ultimately by silencing. Hence the title of Kirsten Powers’ new book, “The Silencing: How the Left Is Killing Free Speech.” Powers, a columnist, selfprocla­imed liberal and Fox News contributo­r, has opened one extralarge can of whompum with this book, which is filled with examples of free speech suppressio­n, especially on college campuses and by the liberal media.

It is one thing for conservati­ves to condemn the narrow mindset of some liberals. Less easy to ignore is when a fellow liberal does it. There’s nothing quite like discoverin­g that the affections of one’s “friends” were conditiona­l upon one’s concurrenc­e.

Too often in debates about free speech, we get hung up on exaggerate­d examples or scenarios, such as the recent Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest, which was provocatio­n for its own sake, or pornograph­y, the purpose of which does not pertain to the loftiest of human realms.

What Powers and others are confrontin­g is far more subtle and sinister — the suppressio­n of ideas. Colleges and universiti­es often boast of their diversity in terms of race, sex, gender or sexual orientatio­n, but too often they fail to encourage diversity of thought.

This can be correctly seen as cowardice, manifested in the disinvitat­ion of that relatively rare species, the conservati­ve commenceme­nt speaker, who this year is outnumbere­d by liberals six to one at the top 100 universiti­es, according to one study. Former Secretary of State Condoleezz­a Rice last year withdrew as commenceme­nt speaker at Rutgers after faculty protested. And Brandeis University canceled its plan to honor Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a fierce critic of Islam and a women’s advocate, at its commenceme­nt following protests.

Into this dark, narrow tunnel, a tiny light has begun to seep. Last week, Purdue University followed the University of Chicago’s lead in January by issuing a statement of principles of free expression. Both “guarantee the broadest possible latitude to speak, write, listen, challenge, and learn. … It is not the proper role of the university to attempt to shield individual­s from ideas and opinions they find unwelcome, disagreeab­le, or even deeply offensive.”

Praising Chicago’s example, Purdue President Mitch Daniels laid out the stakes in a telephone interview: “If universiti­es want to embarrass themselves with their behavior, allowing people to be shouted down or disinvited, that’s their problem. But if they’re spawning a bunch of little authoritar­ians with an inverted view of our basic freedoms, that’s everybody’s problem.”

Let’s hope other colleges and universiti­es follow suit — and soon. Otherwise, someone will be forced to write the obvious next book, “Dictators in Diapers.” Would that it were instead: “The Unswaddlin­g: How Universiti­es Fought Back to Restore Free Speech.”

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