Houston Chronicle

Basil and Vanilla Custard


Recipe by Daniel Neman

Makes 6 servings

3 large egg yolks

1⁄3 cup granulated sugar 1 tablespoon cornstarch 2 cups cream or milk ¼ cup basil leaves, torn 1 vanilla bean 1 pinch salt Fresh seasonal berries

Instructio­ns: In a medium bowl, whisk together egg yolks and sugar; the color will turn a pale yellow. Add cornstarch and whisk to mix. Set aside.

In a medium pot over medium heat, combine cream or milk and basil leaves. While it heats, slice vanilla bean lengthwise and use the edge of a knife to scrape seeds into cream mixture. Add vanilla pods. Lower temperatur­e to keep it from simmering and cook for 10 minutes, stirring frequently with a wooden spoon.

Remove cream from heat. Place a sieve over yolk mixture and pour just a bit of the cream, about 1 tablespoon, through it and into the eggs. Whisk eggs thoroughly and add a little more of the cream. Whisk again and continue the process until all cream is mixed into the eggs; as eggs become warmer you can add more cream with each addition. Use wooden spoon to press last bit of flavor out of basil that has collected in the sieve. Discard basil and vanilla bean pods.

Return mixture to pot and heat over medium-low heat, stirring constantly in a figure-8. Continue cooking, without allowing it to simmer, until mixture thickens enough to adhere thickly to the spoon and a finger drawn across the back of the spoon leaves a clean, visible trail, about 10 minutes.

Allow to cool, then refrigerat­e. To serve, pour over fresh berries (or freeze in an ice cream freezer, according to manufactur­er’s directions, for delicious ice cream).

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