Houston Chronicle

Judge asks Indian rapist and his victim to reconcile

Decision includes mediation, fuels wave of criticism


NEW DELHI — A judge in India recently released a rapist from jail so he could attend mediation sessions with his victim in the apparent hope the two could put their difference­s aside and possibly marry.

The ruling prompted an outcry, and the judge was criticized not only for his retrograde reasoning but also for misusing India’s court-ordered mediation system, which is normally used for conflict resolution in civil cases, not those involving violent crimes.

In a country where reports of rapes are on the rise and violence against women remains a public flash point, politician­s and police are routinely in the news for insensitiv­e remarks about sexual violence, including blaming rapes on women — for wearing provocativ­e clothing, flirting on their cellphones and staying out too late at night.

“They are boys,” one state politician said. “Mistakes happen.”

But judges have made their share of controvers­ial statements as well, as evidenced by these examples:

• A judge in Delhi, Virender Bhat, said in 2013 that there was a “very disturbing trend” of young women consenting to sex with their lovers and then claiming rape.

• Bhat also said women who engage in premarital sex are “immoral.”

• A retired judge in the state of Kerala said child prostituti­on “is not rape.” He sparked controvers­y in 2013 when he told a journalist he had dismissed the case of 35 men who gangraped a child sex worker in the 1990s using that logic.

• A 14-year-old girl’s rapist was acquitted because she did not fight “like a wild animal” during the sexual assault. The Supreme Court dismissed a second appeal of the case in 2013, expressing “anguish” that the prosecutio­n and the Madhya Pradesh trial court had not been more careful and shown more sensitivit­y.

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