Houston Chronicle

GOP candidates fall for the Trump trap

Ruben Navarrette Jr. says Gov. Scott Walker fell in, talking about birthright citizenshi­p and ruining his chances for the presidency.

- Navarrette’s column is syndicated by the Washington Post Writers Group. His email

Some people believe that Donald Trump is a Democratic mole who is in the Republican presidenti­al race to scare away voters from the GOP and torpedo otherwise-promising Republican contenders by getting them to co-sign crazy.

Those who believe that Trump is a Democrat in Republican­s’ clothing will wince at the question that NBC News’ Kasie Hunt put to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker this week at the Iowa State Fair:

“Do you think birthright citizenshi­p should be ended?”

Trump does. Supposedly. Although since the real-estate tycoon is a master manipulato­r who has over the years changed position on a variety of issues, no one can be sure what Trump believes about anything. The candidate’s nearly 1,900-word policy paper on immigratio­n suggests hitting “delete” on the 14th Amendment to ensure that the U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants are no longer granted citizenshi­p at birth.

Conservati­ve commentato­r Ann Coulter — who pollutes the immigratio­n debate with her ridiculous rants — tweeted approvingl­y: “I don’t care if @realDonald­Trump wants to perform abortions in White House after this immigratio­n policy paper.” Stay classy, Ann. Anyone who passed eighth-grade civics will know that changing the Constituti­on is nearly impossible because it involves getting the support of two-thirds of Congress and three-fourths of the states. Anyone who has followed the immigratio­n debate will note the irony that many of those who consider U.S. citizenshi­p sacred when denying it to the undocument­ed suddenly consider it less sacred when stripping it away from their offspring. And any lawyer who was not absent the day they taught law in law school will tell you that, if you want to pick a fight with the judicial branch, this is the wrong battle. The courts have defended birthright citizenshi­p without fail.

Besides, conservati­ves always talk about how they want to protect the Constituti­on. So now we have to destroy the founding document in order to save it?

Trump’s immigratio­n proposals are a hot mess that can be summed up as follows: Build a wall, enforce the law, and protect the jobs of Americans. But who can be sure any of this is real? President Obama promised to make immigratio­n reform a top priority, tried to explain away record numbers of deportatio­ns by claiming that he lacked the executive power to halt them, insisted that his administra­tion was only deporting dangerous criminals and not hardworkin­g people looking for a better life, and pledged that thousands of women and children refugees from Central America would be treated humanely.

None of this was true. It was all one big con job intended to fool the Democratic base.

Likewise, Trump’s policy paper is a mixture of bluster, generaliti­es and vagueness. You hear what you want to hear.

As when Trump tells NBC’s “Meet the Press”: “We’re going to keep the families together. But they have to go.”

This isn’t the same as declaring that you would forcibly remove entire families. One could do what Obama did: Deport undocument­ed parents, and hope their U.S.-born children follow.

Those on the right who take Trump at face value on immigratio­n will likely be just as disappoint­ed as those on the left who were taken in by Obama.

This brings us back to the idea of ending birthright citizenshi­p, which is catnip to the nativist wing of the GOP.

So when NBC’s Hunt asked Walker if he wanted to jump on board Mr. Trump’s Wild Ride, the governor said uncomforta­bly:

“Yeah, to me it’s about enforcing the laws in this country. And I’ve been very clear, I think you enforce the laws, and I think it’s important to send a message that we’re going to enforce the laws, no matter how people come here, we’re going to enforce the laws in this country.”

No one who has studied Walker’s multiple choice positions on whether we should give the undocument­ed legal status would agree that he has been “very clear” on immigratio­n.

What is clear is that Walker, and the other GOP contenders, would likely never have been dragged into the thorny debate over birthright citizenshi­p if not for Trump. And now with his spineless “me-tooism,” Walker has disqualifi­ed himself from the race. Moderates won’t go near him, and the folks who agree with him are with Trump, anyway. That’s a recipe for losing.

Thanks for playing, Governor. You’re done.

Republican­s, beware of the Trump trap. Things are not what they seem. Every policy proposal is really a character test. And a presidenti­al campaign is a terrible thing to waste.

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