Houston Chronicle

Benghazi panel’s GOP members travel to Europe


WASHINGTON — Republican lawmakers on the House committee investigat­ing the fatal Benghazi attacks in 2012 are traveling to Europe as part of their inquiry.

The committee declined to release details about the trip for security reasons, but Democrats say Republican­s are embarking on “a lavish and expensive new congressio­nal delegation to Italy and other European destinatio­ns.”

The Republican-led House Select Committee on Benghazi, which heard testimony from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last month, is already facing criticism for costing taxpayers millions.

It has proven more costly than permanent panels on intelligen­ce, veterans affairs, ethics and small business, according to the Committee on House Administra­tion, which collects monthly expenditur­e reports from each committee.

“In the 11-hour marathon hearing with Secretary Clinton, Republican­s showed the world that the Benghazi Select Committee is a taxpayer-funded fishing expedition to derail Secretary Clinton’s presidenti­al campaign — and that their net came up empty,” said Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the top Democrat on the committee.

“The Republican­s will never resuscitat­e the credibilit­y of this committee, and they certainly won’t do so by traveling to Italy on the taxpayers’ dime.”

Republican­s say that the Democrats do not understand the relevance of learning about military facilities assigned to respond to terrorist attacks on America’s diplomatic outposts.

Democrats say the committee already has access to informatio­n about Department of Defense actions in Libya through testimony and hearings conducted by the House Armed Services Committee.

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