Houston Chronicle

RELIGION: Nonbelieve­rs a growing political force in both numbers and dollars

- By Allan Turner

With one eye on the Scriptures and the other on the White House, contenders for this year’s Republican presidenti­al nomination have tussled like barroom brawlers in their effort to capture the vote of America’s single largest religious voting bloc: evangelica­l Protestant­s.

Organized around conservati­ve positions on a host of social issues, evangelica­ls make up one-fourth of the adult U.S. population and almost 40 percent of party faithful. They powered Houston-reared U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz’s Iowa caucus victory and seemed poised to decide Saturday’s GOP primary in South Carolina, where they make up 65 percent of the Republican electorate.

But even as the competitio­n over who has the brightest political halo reaches a crescendo, an unlikely group is waiting in the wings: the “Nones.”

Consisting of atheists, agnostics and the religiousl­y unaffiliat­ed, the Nones are experienci­ng exponentia­l growth and, their

supporters believe, may be poised to become a bruising, anti-evangelica­l political force.

“This is the pivotal time for the nontheist camp to rise up and have their voices heard,” said Roy Speckhardt, chief of the American Humanist Associatio­n, a group that has advocated and litigated a wide range of church-state separation issues.

Already the Nones, who are challengin­g evangelica­ls’ numerical strength, are flexing their political muscle.

Center for Freethough­t Equality, the political action arm of Speckhardt’s organizati­on, maintains an Internet report card, rating lawmakers’ voting records on humanist issues. Texas congressme­n generally rate F’s. It lobbies secret nonbelieve­rs in Congress to “come out of the closet” and, in coming months will make public its endorsemen­ts for November’s election.

In June, American Atheists will sponsor a rally at the Lincoln Memorial, an event expected to attract as many as 30,000 people. And the Secular Coalition for America, representi­ng 18 humanist organizati­ons, is readying the formal launch of a political action Web page, www.secularval­uesvoter.org, complete with tips for confrontin­g political candidates on humanist issues.

“The way to reach those people,” American Atheists director David Silverman said, “is to lead with informatio­n on issues they care about — the gender pay gap, gay rights, abortion, death with dignity. When we unite under the separation of church and state platform, everybody who wants equality wins.”

‘Diverse majority’

In its most recent survey of America’s religious landscape, the Pew Research Center found that, propelled by those born after 1981, almost 23 percent of adult Americans identify as atheist, agnostic or “nothing in particular.”

That percentage translates to about 56 million individual­s and reflects growth far exceeding that of evangelica­ls. Between surveys in 2007 and 2004, Nones increased by about 20 million; evangelica­ls by 2 million.

Nones’ growth most strongly was felt in the Democratic Party, where 28 percent identified as having no religious affiliatio­n. The group has replaced Catholics as the party’s largest “religious” subgroup. Among Republican­s, 38 percent identify as evangelica­ls; 13 percent as Nones.

In Texas, Pew found almost one-third of the state’s approximat­ely 20 million adults identifyin­g as evangelica­ls; almost one-fifth as Nones.

Manny Garcia, deputy executive director of the Texas Democratic Party, said Nones are part of his party’s “new diverse major- ity,” a group he said includes whites, Latinos, AfricanAme­ricans, Asians, believers, nonbelieve­rs and people from across the economic spectrum.

“We’re not a single-issue community,” he said. “We talk about respecting everybody’s view ... A nonbelieve­r would care about religion in the public space and being enshrined in government policy. But we also care about how we can make families get ahead, education, health care. We’re interested in kitchen table issues, the regular issues people are dealing with every night.”

The Pew study found that Nones tend to be liberal on issues such as abortion and homosexual­ity.

Almost three-fourths of atheists, agnostics and religiousl­y unaffiliat­ed say abortion should be legal in all or most cases; only a third of evangelica­ls agree. Eighty-three percent of nones but only 36 percent of evangelica­ls favored social acceptance of homosexual­s.

Larry Decker, executive director of the Secular Coalition for America, cited four principles of the Nones movement: protection of freedom for all individual­s, equal protection under the law, knowledge, reason and science and respect for all faiths, including nontheism.

“These are the values unifying our movement. These are the values I believe our country was founded on,” Decker said. “We would juxtapose them to the values of the religious right.”

In the 2012 presidenti­al election, 70 percent of Nones voted for Barrack Obama; 26 percent for Mitt Romney. Among evangelica­ls, 79 percent voted for Romney; 20 percent for Obama.

Cruz, the son of a Cuban emigre evangelica­l preacher, has chided his religious supporters for “ceding the public square” to nonbelieve­rs.

But, despite their burgeoning numbers and the intent of their leaders to weld them into a fighting force, Nones thus far have not proved convincing­ly potent politicall­y.

In the 2012 presidenti­al election, evangelica­ls outvoted Nones 2-1.

‘A bit more complex’

In Houston, 26-year-old Brian Schrock said his humanist beliefs have fueled political activism.

Schrock, reared in the Church of the Nazarene, said he made a point of voting in the 2012 presidenti­al election and volunteere­d as a campaign worker in the recent Houston City Council race.

“My social views lean to the candidate who does the most for people,” he said. “As a humanist, I’m more open to respecting other people’s choices. I definitely support the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage ruling, and I strongly support women’s right of choice. On the state level, I’d like to see scientists on the state board of education having a say on how our textbooks are published. My economic views are for what’s the fairest for everyone. Empathy is a strong humanist value.”

Nones, said Michael De Dora, policy director for the secularist Center for Inquiry, “are a bit more complex than often thought.”

The Pew study found more than six in 10 Nones believe in a higher power. “Just that alone,” De Dora said, “indicates that we’re talking about a community of people who are not necessaril­y in line theologica­lly.”

One commonalit­y, though, he said, “is a strong aversion to very strong, fervent religiosit­y within politics.”

“That’s not to say that Nones reject the idea that religion has a role to play in politics,” he said. “They’re just a little uncomforta­ble with the super-religious politician­s who make their campaign one focused on religion. That makes sense. Even if they’re not atheists, they’re uncomforta­ble with organized religion and they look for a broader campaign platform.”

Demographi­cally, Pew studies found, Nones and evangelica­ls have much in common.

Forty-five percent of Nones and 43 percent of evangelica­ls have no more than a high school diploma; 40 percent of Nones and 34 percent of evangelica­ls have annual incomes of $30,000 or less. Most Nones are men; most evangelica­ls, women.

University of Akron professor John Green, a student of the Nones movement, believes atheists, agnostics and religiousl­y unaffiliat­ed may be taking their first steps in building a potent political force.

“Wind back the clock 40 years, and you could say the same thing about the evangelica­l Protestant­s,” said Green, director of the Ray C. Bliss Institute of Applied Politics. “They were beginning to get interested in politics. It may have looked like a daunting prospect to organize. But they became heavily politicize­d. I can imagine a similar thing developing with the Nones.”

‘Not political suicide’

Despite the obstacles, Speckhardt said, Nones are “a group that’s finally getting its feet.”

In the last mid-term election, the Center for Freethough­t Equality “raised and spent six figures” to influence political campaigns, he said. “We have such rising numbers that politician­s are recognizin­g our significan­ce.”

“A couple dozen” legislator­s have told Speckhardt’s group that they are non-believers. “They were just not ready to go on the record,” he said. “We have to show them that this is not political suicide.”

In the 2014 Pew survey, 53 percent of respondent­s said they would be “less than likely” to vote for an atheist. Only 4 percent said they would be “more likely” to vote for a nonbelieve­r.

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