Houston Chronicle

Humans not hurt by modified crops, new report says


CHICAGO—Genetical- ly engineered crops present no more risk to human health than convention­ally bred crops, but the evolution of resistance in both insects and weeds caused by growing such crops has become “a major agricultur­al problem,” according to a d study released Tuesday by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineerin­g and Medicine.

Beyond that, well, complicate­d.

Tuesday’s public briefing on the 400-plus-page report included some fistpump moments for both sides of the ongoing debate in the food industry on labeling products that contain geneticall­y modified organisms.

GMO ingredient­s are made from crops like corn, soybeans and sugar beets that have been bioenginee­red to resist herbicides it’s and pests. Those supportive of GMOs lauded the report’s clear message that geneticall­y engineered crops are not a food safety issue; those opposed trumpeted the report’s finding that bioenginee­red crops have not increased the rate of crop yield in the U.S.

“We took our job very seriously, because we know how contentiou­s this issue is,” said Fred Gould, professor of entomology at North Carolina State University and chairman of the 20-person committee that produced the report, in his remarks Tuesday.

Some states are pushing forward laws requiring foods with GMOs to be labeled. A Vermont law that mandates labels — the first of its kind — takes effect July 1. In March, a bill that aimed to pre-empt laws like Vermont’s while also establishi­ng a national voluntary standard stalled in the U.S. Senate.

In the past year or so, the drumbeat has steadily grown louder for mandatory labeling, as consumers and food advocates say they have a right to know what’s in their food. Meanwhile, many food companies have maintained such labeling would be misleading because there’s nothing harmful about GMO ingredient­s. In a statement Tuesday, U.S. Secretary of Agricultur­e Tom Vilsack said the report “adds to the long list of research that shows geneticall­y engineered foods are safe” and called on Congress to take action to “prevent further confusion.”

 ?? David Mercer / Associated Press ?? GMO ingredient­s are made from crops like corn that have been modified to resist herbicides and pests.
David Mercer / Associated Press GMO ingredient­s are made from crops like corn that have been modified to resist herbicides and pests.

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