Houston Chronicle

Spring break brings volunteers to Treemont


Spring break normally brings to mind thoughts of warm sun, sandy beaches, a trip to Grandma’s or even the mountains. For Treemont Retirement Community residents, spring break is junior volunteer season — when residents get extra assistance from some wonderful kids.

The junior volunteers this year came from T.H. Rogers Middle School and Strake Jesuit Preparator­y School. Residents sign up well in advance of their arrival for help with their many needs, which include guidance on operating electronic devices (a big request), lifting boxes up to (and down from) a top shelf in the closet, hooking up a TV, and playing Wii games. Residents who are sight-impaired need help labeling items so they can identify them.

The year three Strake Jesuit students helped arrange an entire library donated by new resident W. B. “Mac” MacLeroy Jr. It was a mutually rewarding, as the students were fascinated by McLeroy’s vast interests and he enjoyed working with fantastic students.

The Junior Honor Society of the T. H. Rogers Middle School held a car wash to clean residents’ cars on Wednesday of spring break. Residents lined up early for the car wash event and raved about the results, saying: “That’s a better wash than I pay $18 for.” The kids had a great time, laughing as the boys sprayed the girls with the water hose. After all, it can’t be all work.

Spring break at Treemont Retirement Community is a week with the breath of youth breathed into the community.

There are lots of grins and giggles, many happy residents feeling like they’ve had a visit from the grandkids, and students coming away with a different perspectiv­e on life in a retirement community and how engaging seniors can be.

To participat­e in a Treemont activity, email Aimee@Treemont.com. To learn more about senior living, call Lupe or Linda at 713-783-6820 or stop by for a free lunch and tour at 2501 Westerland Drive (at Westheimer).

 ??  ?? Treemont Retirement Community’s residents benefited from a car wash by the Junior Honor Society of the T. H. Rogers Middle School students, who used their spring break to volunteer at Treemont.
Treemont Retirement Community’s residents benefited from a car wash by the Junior Honor Society of the T. H. Rogers Middle School students, who used their spring break to volunteer at Treemont.

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