Houston Chronicle

Abortion bill targets doctors in Oklahoma

Legislatio­n would subject them to criminal charges

- By Erik Eckholm

The Oklahoma Legislatur­e on Thursday passed a bill that effectivel­y would ban abortions by revoking the medical licenses of doctors who perform them and subjecting them to felony charges and prison — the first legislatio­n of its kind.

In a year in which states have tried to outlaw abortions at 20 weeks of pregnancy, to ban the main surgical method used in the second trimester and to shut down abortion clinics with onerous regulation­s, Oklahoma’s bill is the most far-reaching.

The measure, which passed the Republican­dominated Senate by a vote of 33-12, will be presented to Gov. Mary Fallin, a Republican, who will have five days to sign it, veto it or allow it to take effect without her signature.

If it becomes law, it is certain to face a quick challenge in state or federal court. And because the Supreme Court has consistent­ly ruled that women have a right to obtain abortions until the fetus is viable outside the womb, legal experts say, it soon will be declared unconstitu­tional.

Welcomes a challenge

That has not deterred anti-abortion politician­s in a state dominated by conservati­ve Republican­s. Some say they welcome the chance to make a strong statement and to engage the issues in court.

“Most people know I am for defending rights,” Sen. Nathan Dahm, the author of the bill, told The Oklahoman. “Those rights begin at conception.”

Dahm told reporters that he knew the measure would be challenged but expressed hope that the case would lead the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Fallin, who has signed several anti-abortion bills that were later blocked by the courts, will not comment on the new bill “until she and her staff have had a chance to review it,” said Michael McNutt, her communicat­ions director.

But some legislator­s called the measure an illconside­red diversion.

“I’m pro-life and a Roman Catholic, but I don’t think we should waste our time on legislatio­n that someone will declare unconstitu­tional,” said Sen. Ervin Yen.

Watching Texas case

In an open letter Thursday, the Center for Reproducti­ve Rights, a legal group based in New York, urged Fallin to veto what it said was a “blatantly unconstitu­tional measure.”

The bill would strip doctors who perform abortions of their medical licenses unless the procedure was necessary to save a woman’s life. The felony provision does not include that exception.

Currently, only two clinics in Oklahoma, one in Norman and one in Tulsa, provide abortions. A third, owned by Trust Women, a foundation based in Wichita, Kan., is to open next month.

Oklahoma’s proposal to criminaliz­e abortion may be the most stringent, but it is one of many new measures that continue in conservati­ve states. This year, South Dakota joined 12 other states in banning abortions at 20 weeks of pregnancy, with a similar bill in South Carolina awaiting the signature of Gov. Nikki R. Haley.

Texas regulation­s that could force a majority of the state’s abortion clinics to close are the subject of a major Supreme Court case. The rules require that doctors have admitting privileges at local hospitals and that abortion clinics meet the stringent building and staffing standards of ambulatory surgery centers.

The decision, expected in June, could have major effects on access to abortion in several other states.

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