Houston Chronicle

Guide to the convention

The Democratic National Convention opened Monday. Some highlights:


What they said

“There is only one person I trust with that responsibi­lity, only one person I believe is truly qualified to be president of the United States, and that is Hillary Clinton.” — First lady Michelle Obama “Can I just say to the Bernie or bust people, you’re being ridiculous.” — Comedienne Sarah Silverman “Now a little about my qualificat­ions. I got my doctorate in megalomani­ac studies from Trump University.” — Sen. Al Franken “We need to be a country that doesn’t degrade or demean other folks but elevates our nation and pulls us together.” — Sen. Cory Booker “What kind of a man cheats students, cheats investors, cheats workers? A man who must never be president of the United States.” — Sen. Elizabeth Warren


• Tuesday: Former President Bill Clinton, the candidate’s husband, is the speech to watch.

• Wednesday: President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden come to Philadelph­ia.

• Thursday: Chelsea Clinton will introduce her mother for her speech accepting the Democratic nomination.

• Tim Kaine will give a speech introducin­g himself to the country. Officials haven’t yet said when, but the running mate typically speaks Wednesday.

Castro rumors

• Julián Castro, who was vetted as Hillary Clinton’s running mate before the job went to Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, now is hearing his name mentioned for another top job: chair of the Democratic National Committee. And this time, his brother Joaquin is getting mentioned, too.

Julián Castro, the secretary of Housing and Urban Developmen­t, was coy over recent months about the potential job as vice president. This time, he emphatical­ly ruled out the possibilit­y of accepting a job running the Democratic Party.

“It’s not what my future holds,” he said, shaking his head.

Joaquin Castro, a secondterm congressma­n from San Antonio, was less dismissive. “It’s not something I’ve thought about. You never say never, but it’s not been on my radar,” he said.

Roll call

• States will get a chance to announce how their delegates are voting in the formal roll call Tuesday. It’s a high point for Sanders delegates; they’re pushing to have their votes fully tallied. There’s a total of 4,763 delegates. It takes 2,382 to win the Democratic nomination.


• Police briefly detained more than 50 people after they tried to storm the barricades outside the Democratic National Convention on Monday in a show of anger over Bernie Sanders’ treatment by party leaders, even as he urged his supporters to fall in line behind Hillary Clinton. Several hundred Sanders supporters and other demonstrat­ors converged in the sweltering heat on Broad Street and made their way 4 miles to the convention site as the gathering was being gaveled to order, chanting “Nominate Sanders or lose in November!” and “Hey, hey, ho, ho, the DNC has got to go!” Fifty-five people were issued citations for disorderly conduct when protesters tried to climb over police barricades.

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