Houston Chronicle

Spacecraft that landed on comet is found

- By Deborah Netburn LOS ANGELES TIMES

Cameras aboard the European Space Agency’s Rosetta orbiter have spotted the Philae lander in a dark crack on the jagged surface of a comet.

“We were beginning to think that Philae would remain lost forever,” Patrick Martin, ESA’s Rosetta mission manager, said in a statement. “It is incredible we have captured this at the final hour.”

The ESA plans to send the Rosetta orbiter to the comet’s surface in a controlled descent to end its 12-year journey through space.

The Philae lander appeared in images taken Friday, when the Rosetta orbiter came within 1.7 miles of Comet 67-P/ Churyumov-Gerasimenk­o’s surface.

For the first time, scientists were able to clearly see the main body of the lander and two of its three legs.

“It’s a huge psychologi­cal bonus to finally know where it is,” said Matt Taylor, ESA’s Rosetta project scientist. “And now we can redo some of the analysis from the lander and improve on it.”

The Rosetta orbiter was launched March 2, 2004, and spent the next 10 years traveling a convoluted path through 4 billion miles of space to rendezvous with the speeding comet.

Fastened to Rosetta’s side throughout its long journey was the small Philae lander, designed to be the first manmade instrument to land on the surface of a comet.

The orbiter released Philae on Nov. 2, 2014, just a few weeks after it arrived at the comet.

But the landing did not go as planned. Two harpoons designed to tether the lander to the comet did not deploy properly, causing it to bounce. The lander flew for two hours before eventually settling in what was, until now, an unknown location.

Using radio signals sent between Rosetta and Philae, scientists were able to narrow the lander’s location.

However, the precise location continued to remain a mystery — until now.

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