Houston Chronicle

Age against the machine

Weak economy, widespread discrimina­tion make it bad time to be on wrong side of 50

- By Lydia DePillis

By and large, Dale Kleber had a pretty straightfo­rward trip up the economic ladder.

He went to law school and worked his way up to general counsel of a major food distributo­r in Chicago and then chief executive of a dairy trade organizati­on. He is putting his third and fourth kids through private college.

“Our generation was pretty spoiled,” says Kleber, 60. “We had it good. The economy was in a huge growth spurt. Some dips here and there, but nothing severe.”

But a couple of years ago, Kleber hit a roadblock. He’d left the dairy group and started looking for another job; he and his wife didn’t have quite enough saved to retire comfortabl­y. He didn’t think he’d have trouble finding work.

Scores of applicatio­ns later, with few callbacks and no offers, Kleber is close to admitting defeat — and admitting that age discrimina­tion might be one of the biggest challenges his generation has faced.

One job posting, from a medical device company called CareFusion, seemed to suggest Kleber’s lack of success wasn’t just due to a tough job market: The ad called for a maximum of seven years of legal experience. He applied anyway and, after

being passed over, filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunit­y Commission alleging age discrimina­tion. The case is in the discovery phase in federal court in Illinois.

“They expressed concerns with an older person being less likely to take supervisio­n from someone that’s younger than they are,” Kleber says, paraphrasi­ng the company’s response to his suit. “If I felt like I was going to be dissatisfi­ed in the position, I wouldn’t be pursuing it.”

That disagreeme­nt goes to the heart of the awkwardnes­s that baby boomers are now feeling as they enter the last years of their working lives. Often needing to stay in jobs longer than they anticipate­d to shore up savings depleted during the Great Recession, or simply wanting to remain active further into their lengthenin­g life spans, they’re coming up against a strong preference in America for youthful “energy” and “innovation.”

That bias is so common we frequently don’t recognize it. Todd Nelson, a psychology professor at California State University at Stanislaus, has singled out birthday cards for portraying advancing age as something to be ashamed of, with a tone that would never be used with race or religion. (“‘Ha-ha-ha, too bad you’re Jewish’ … wouldn’t go over so well,” he noted.)

Internet memes like the “Scumbag Baby Boomer” and “Old Economy Steve,” which lambast boomers for transgress­ions from failing to adopt technology to causing the wars and recessions that millennial­s have weathered, channel resentment against an entire category of people in ways that might not be tolerated if they were members of another protected class.

The whiteness and maleness of Silicon Valley and the tech industry have been the subject of numerous magazine cover stories, but with rare exceptions, such as Dan Lyons’s hilarious 2016 memoir about being a 50-something at a Cambridge, Mass., start-up, its youth passes without comment.

This cultural backdrop has horrifying­ly real consequenc­es for many on the wrong side of 40. Formal age discrimina­tion cases like Kleber’s spiked during the most recent recession and haven’t fully subsided. Long-term unemployme­nt, defined as being jobless for 27 weeks or longer, is markedly worse for workers over age 55 than for the general population.

In contrast to the respect often accorded to the generation that fought World War II, their progeny are facing relative hostility in their senescence.

At a time when conditions have vastly improved for women, gay people, disabled people and minorities in the workplace, prejudice against older workers remains among the most acceptable and pervasive “isms.” And it’s not clear that the next generation­s — ascendant Gen Xers and millennial­s — will be treated any better.

Ageism, of course, is as old as age itself. Even while venerating elders for their wisdom, cultures across the world have disparaged the weakness and unattracti­veness of those past the bloom of youth. “Senectus morbidus est,” wrote Roman philosophe­r Seneca in the first century: “Old age is a disease.”

In modern times, there are more formal protection­s: The advent of Social Security in the 1930s ensured older people wouldn’t be entirely penniless when they could no longer work. The Age Discrimina­tion in Employment Act of 1967 ended some of the most egregious forms of prejudice, such as age limits for flight attendants and mandatory retirement ages for factory and mine workers.

At the same time, structural, economic and demographi­c changes have created new types of ageism that are more subtle and widespread.

One change is the presence of two large, culturally distinct generation­s — millennial­s and boomers, both about 75 million strong — that have found themselves in the workforce with less and less formal authority.

Older workers have the misfortune of wanting to work longer just as a new generation is trying to get an economic foothold. In a weak economy, companies are sometimes all too happy to dump veteran employees, with their higher health-care costs and legacy pensions, for younger ones who expect neither.

(And this isn’t just an American thing: Fasteragin­g societies with low birthrates in Asia and Europe face an even larger demographi­c “bulge” of older citizens who will have to be supported by fewer wage earners, feeding into an image of the elderly as a drain on society. A 2013 metaanalys­is found East Asian countries had even more negative attitudes toward their older population­s than some Western ones — grimly punctuated by climbing suicide rates in China, South Korea and Taiwan.)

All of that underpins tensions in the workplace and has spawned a cottage industry of consultant­s who specialize in intergener­ational relations.

In a 2015 survey by the Harris Poll, for example, 65 percent of boomers rated themselves as being the “best problem-solvers/troublesho­oters,” and only 5 percent of millennial­s agreed. Fifty-four percent of millennial­s thought boomers were the “biggest roadblocks.” Sometimes these perception­s come straight from the top: Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg once said “young people are just smarter.”

Those attitudes apply not just to perception­s of “old” people, but also to expectatio­ns: A 2013 experiment found that young people looked more favorably upon older adults who “act their age” by listening to Frank Sinatra over the Black Eyed Peas, or by being more generous with their money. One of the researcher­s, Michael North, an assistant professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business, says younger people tend to resent it when older workers don’t “get out of the way” and retire.

Yet human resource consultant­s and the media often have placed the onus on older workers to overcome these biases, which surface in job postings for “recent college graduates,” applicants who “enjoy the pressures of the job” and those who can “fit in with a young team.” Over-50 job seekers are advised to update their wardrobes and hairstyles, purge their résumés of positions held during the Reagan administra­tion and, above all, “show enthusiasm.” Projecting “energy” is another common tip, as if lethargy kicks in only after 40.

And what of the legal protection­s for older workers? Federal antiage-discrimina­tion laws haven’t proved to be an effective deterrent, says University of Houston professor emeritus Andrew Achenbaum. Proving you were passed over because of your age is devilishly difficult, and the EEOC has a large backlog of complaints that it hasn’t had the resources to deal with.

“I wouldn’t mess around with (gender bias) if I were a university,” Achenbaum says. “But I’m willing to take my chances on age discrimina­tion because there are so many (cases) that are unsolved.”

Efforts to battle ageism have cropped up now and then, but they can be stymied by the sheer force and fluidity of culture.

Margery Leveen Sher, 68, a former corporate consultant and nonprofit executive in the District, says she internaliz­ed the unspoken code of ageism long ago and was for many years a “closeted old person.” “I thought, ‘Nobody is going to want to work with me to start up a nonprofit because they will think I will want to retire shortly,’ ” she says. She never lied about her age; she just didn’t mention it.

And “thanks to good genes, good health and a wad of money thrown regularly at my hair salon,” she could easily pass for a decade younger. Sher says only since she retired and started her own business, the Did Ya Notice? Project, writing and speaking about the importance of mindfulnes­s, has she felt ready to “come out.” “I am not a trailblazi­ng anti-ageism fighter. I have been a closeted coward,” she says. “But here goes: I am 68. I am full of energy and ideas, and I ain’t done yet.”

Multiply that sentiment by 74.9 million and maybe something finally will give. Ashton Applewhite, creator of the blog Yo, Is This Ageist?, says the size of the boomer generation should be an advantage when shifting the discourse around aging.

“Silicon Valley is finally getting some attention, and you know why? Educated, skilled, nondisable­d white guys faced discrimina­tion for the first time in their lives,” Applewhite says. “Baby boomers are starting to realize that we are actually going to have to get old. So there is this sudden awareness — we have an unusual sense of demographi­c weight.”

Nobody knows this better than AARP, which has appropriat­ed the language of Silicon Valley in its “Disrupt Aging” campaign. It takes aim at common stereotype­s and features stories about older people living unconventi­onal lives, like a 55-year-old YouTube entreprene­ur and a 64-yearold record-breaking longdistan­ce swimmer.

But Applewhite thinks it’s more important to examine the source of ageist attitudes. “They come from corporate interests that want to medicalize aging so they can sell you (stuff) to cure it, or they want to treat it as a problem so they can sell you (stuff) to fix it,” she says. “Capitalism is a problem.”

Capitalism has to be part of the solution, too, North says. He contends successful companies will find ways to accommodat­e the needs of people nearing the end of their working lives, such as part-time schedules to help them transition rather than drop out. “Companies really should be taking stock of these demographi­c trends,” North says. “There’s tremendous value to be had there.”

For his part, Kleber thinks he’s a better hire than he was 20 years ago, when he was in the middle of raising kids and climbing the corporate ladder. He’s had time to keep up on profession­al reading and stay in better shape. “I think the stereotype­s (about older workers) are a little misleading because the reverse might be true,” Kleber says. “I’ve got a good 15 years in me at least.”

 ?? Paul Blow / Washington Post ?? A 2013 research project found that young people looked more favorably on older adults who “act their age.”
Paul Blow / Washington Post A 2013 research project found that young people looked more favorably on older adults who “act their age.”
 ?? Paul Blow illustrati­ons/ Washington Post ?? Some workers consider themselves to be “closeted old people” in the office.
Paul Blow illustrati­ons/ Washington Post Some workers consider themselves to be “closeted old people” in the office.
 ??  ?? New types of ageism are subtle and widespread.
New types of ageism are subtle and widespread.
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