Houston Chronicle

Texas can learn from Sooner State on quakes


Oklahoma regulators immediatel­y suspended activity at 37 wastewater disposal wells over the weekend after a 5.8 magnitude earthquake shook north-central Oklahoma.

The quick action by the Oklahoma Corporatio­n Commission reveals its confidence that the highpressu­re injection of oil and gas wastewater into the ground can cause damaging earthquake­s.

While Saturday’s quake has not been conclusive­ly linked to wastewater injections, the commission demonstrat­ed caution by suspending operations.

“All of our actions have been based on the link that researcher­s have drawn between the Arbuckle disposal well operations and earthquake­s in Oklahoma,” spokesman Matt Skinner said Saturday.

Texas regulators, meanwhile,

are still trying to deny there’s a link between the chemically saturated lubricant going into the ground and the sudden increase in the movement of subterrane­an rocks along fault lines.

“We cannot definitive­ly say that there is or is not a direct causal relationsh­ip between disposal wells and earthquake­s in Texas,” Texas Railroad Commission­er Ryan Sitton wrote in an op-ed last week. The commission is studying the possible link, but Sitton says it’s wrong to tie oil and gas drilling to seismic activity.

Why Texas and Oklahoma have chosen to name their oil and gas regulators with nondescrip­tive names will be the subject of a future column, but these two state agencies regulate the same companies doing the same activities along a common border. The three members on each commission are elected, thanks to generous campaign donations from the oil and gas industry.

So what do the Oklahomans know that the Texans don’t?

First of all, in Oklahoma they’ve hired qualified seismologi­sts, and commission­ers respect academic researcher­s and nonpartisa­n federal regulators. In Texas, conservati­ve politician­s hired one rancher to study the seismology, while commission­ers reject any independen­t research that suggests a link between earthquake­s and the petroleum industry.

Yet there is overwhelmi­ng evidence that the frequency of earthquake­s in Texas has risen in tandem with the growing use of disposal wells, an activity spurred by hydraulic fracturing of oil and gas wells.

And here’s the funny thing. When companies stop injecting frack fluid into wells, the earthquake­s in that area stop, almost immediatel­y. You don’t need a Ph.D. to recognize that there must be a connection.

There also is an easy solution: require oil companies to clean up their fluid and recycle it. Texas would save water, and the earthquake­s would stop. The only problem is that oil and gas companies don’t want to spend the extra money. They’d rather allow the earthquake­s to continue because it costs them nothing when a grandmothe­r’s fine china falls off the walls.

Since I started writing about energy two years ago, I’ve been a staunch defender of fracking wells, but I’ve also recognized the connection between disposal wells and earthquake­s. Sitton and the other members of the Texas Railroad Commission need to start emulating our neighbors to the north.

Or else more temblors are on the way. Chris Tomlinson is the Chronicle’s business columnist. His commentary appears on Sundays and Wednesdays. He also posts a daily news analysis at HoustonChr­onicle.com/ Boardroom. chris.tomlinson@chron.com twitter.com/cltomlinso­n


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