Houston Chronicle

Societal empathy


Anything goes

Regarding “911 operator’s tale reminds us to make some time for empathy” (Page A3, Wednesday), thanks to Lisa Falkenberg for another frank view of our society. A 911 operator hangs up on someone in distress. A presidenti­al contender uses unfit and degrading language. Yes, we do model the behavior of our young, and right now, we’re teaching them laziness, incompeten­ce, intoleranc­e and disrespect. We’re teaching that “Christians” worship God but pour hatred on their neighbors, that it’s acceptable to scorn needy people but OK for the wealthy to cheat on their taxes.

We carry weapons, not for protection, but to show bravado we clearly do not possess. It’s unacceptab­le to remain seated for playing of a song, but patriotic to show blatant disrespect for the president of our nation or the female population. We’re fascinated with the biggest, baddest, and most wicked. Our children are technology savvy, but can’t spell “cat.” When it comes to math, we order half-a-dozen chicken nuggets and are told they only come on orders of three, six, or twelve. Our music, and I use that term loosely, aggrandize­s violence and depravity. “Anything goes” has replaced “be kind to one another.” Yes, we’ve lost empathy, along with pride, dignity, intelligen­ce and respect. We yell “make America great again” while applauding behavior that exemplifie­s lack of everything greatness represents. God help us all. Joan Early, Lumberton

Bad actors

I really think you are overthinki­ng the Crenshanda Williams debacle. Do you really think that what she did can be explained away by societal lack of empathy? Just because voters pick conservati­ve candidates in Texas and these candidates don’t govern as you see fit doesn’t mean there is a societal lack of empathy. I have known people like Williams who take a job that requires a certain amount of responsibi­lity and they have no intention of fulfilling their responsibi­lity. They are slackers who do just enough to get by, but as they become more comfortabl­e with forsaking their duties, they become more derelict in performing their job.

There is no defense for this woman’s actions, but it does show a complete lack of training and auditing by the 911 officials. As much as you would like to lay this horror story at the feet of conservati­ve lawmakers and explain away the derelictio­n of this operator. I think there are just evil people in this world, and this one didn’t use a club, knife or gun to do her evil work but a phone and a total lack of compassion. James Connealy, Baytown

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