Houston Chronicle

Q&A with Amazon’ s‘ Break away’ creators.

- By Paresh Dave |

AMAZON.com’s first bigbudget video game is like street basketball, except played in a mythologic­al world where athletes are armed. Wait, Amazon makes video games? Indeed, the leader in online shopping branched into video game developmen­t a few years ago. With the announceme­nt last month of multiplaye­r online battle sport “Breakaway,” Amazon for the first time showed how its gaming acquisitio­ns and initiative­s tie together.

The PC game integrates into Twitch, the live video streaming app Amazon bought for nearly $1 billion, unlike any game from anyone ever before. “Breakaway” also showcases Lumberyard — a free software package that Amazon designed for game developers to build on because it connects to Amazon Web Services, a feebased cloud storage system.

Mike Frazzini, Amazon Games vice president, and Patrick Gilmore, head of the company’s Irvine developmen­t studio, said “Breakaway” will become available for free indefinite­ly for people to test as Amazon squashes bugs. In a cramped corner at Twitch’s bustling fan convention in San Diego, they went deeper into how “Breakaway” came to be and what to expect from Amazon Games. The interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Q: What’s the big-picture philosophy of Amazon Games? Frazzini:

Everyone wants it to be a thing, but it’s really a collection of things and us obsessing about customers.

We view the cloud and shared experience­s as being historical­ly the past, present and future of games. If you think about what makes games so fantastic, it’s the experience­s you have with your friends. A long time ago it was in arcades, then over local networks, then online and now you have Twitch and e-sports and modding and cosplay. They are all about shared experience­s.

Q: How did you get into buying Twitch and Irvine video game maker Double Helix? Frazzini:

One of our leadership principles is think big, see around corners. Four, five, six years ago, one of the things we were very enamored with is how vibrant communitie­s are around games.

In thinking about developing game technology to enable those experience­s, we met a lot of game developers and what impressed us about (then-Double Helix executive Gilmore) was three things.

They were bringing in pro players for hours of testing and feedback. They obsessed over customers early on. Second, we thought their technology was solid. A lot of Lumberyard came from Double Helix, to construct fantastic animations. Third, they were on the rise. We felt we were catching them before anyone.

We knew the Twitch guys for years, and we always wanted a way to work together. We have a lot of gamers inside the company, so we were just fans of the service. And being in the industry, we got a chance to meet them.

So you marry this community and this craft of incredible game making ... with their ambition to build Lumberyard, and it just sort of all threads together.

Q: What stands out about the way Double Helix, or Amazon Game Studios Orange County, develops games? Gilmore:

The word that jumps to my head is unentitled. From the very beginning, there was this idea of short session rounds for “Breakaway.” But the game back then was offense versus defense.

But (players in testing) said, “I want to be playing both offense and defense.” One of the most junior developers on the team was the first guy that knocked out a map that was perfectly symmetrica­l and both teams were trying to steal something from the middle at the same time. The initial knee-jerk was, “No, that’s not what we’re making.” But the team had the humility to say, “Let’s play it.” (After) one 90-minute play session, everyone pointed to that one where you can play offense and defense simultaneo­usly. Right there on the spot, that’s the direction the game went.

This is a higher level of expertise to have a vision but to be able to incorporat­e really big new ideas.

Q: How do you sum up what types of games you’re trying to build? Frazzini:

The Twitch community has already changed the experience of games. And what we think is next for the Twitch community is (to) change the way games are made. We don’t start our exercises with genres. We think of doing something really different and exploring this frontier of Twitch and community-driven games. We’re not going to succeed all the time because experiment­s don’t always succeed. Gilmore: We want to make games that have the potential to be really big, but also we want to make something that’s brand new. “Go out early, listen to customers” is our strategy for doing that, for making these really big bets.

 ?? Amazon Game Studios ?? The character Thorgrim from “Breakaway,” a mythologic­al sports game that allows players to be on offense and defense.
Amazon Game Studios The character Thorgrim from “Breakaway,” a mythologic­al sports game that allows players to be on offense and defense.

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