Houston Chronicle

New World sparrows flock to prairies of southeast Texas

- By Gary Clark

On the sweeping grasslands of the Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge near Sealy, my wife, Kathy, and I recently spent a day watching sparrows.

That word might conjure up visions of the year-round house sparrows that hog bird feeders and scrounge for food in parking lots at fast-food restaurant­s. But those are a non-native, Old-World species originally brought to New York City in 1851.

We wanted to see our native New World sparrows that migrate to southeast Texas prairies for the winter from breeding grounds across the northern tier of the U.S. and into Canada. Birders call them “little brown jobs” due to their cryptic hues blending with native prairie landscapes.

We began looking for sparrows right after sunrise. They’re exemplars of the phrase “early birds” and become less active by late morning.

It can be frustratin­g to try to identify the different varieties of grassland sparrows; their similar brownish plumage with streaks of black and tones of gray and white is not that distinct. But with modern cameras and lenses, you can get photograph­s of hard-to-identify sparrows and later figure out what kind they are.

Here are three sparrows easy to see on the Attwater Refuge.

The most numerous are savannah sparrows, flushing up from the roadside grass, flying as though stair-stepping in the air and landing in clear view along the road or on a grass twig or fence wire.

They have grayishbro­wn plumage marked by dark streaks plus a white underside with dark streaks and a faint beige or off-white eyebrow grading to a yellowish tint at the base of the beak. Dark mustaches and a sometimes dark stickpin on the breast are identifica­tion clues.

The beautiful LeConte’s sparrow is a quintessen­tial grassland sparrow. It forages in grass clusters and occasional­ly pops up on a twig to reveal a handsome flaxen-brown plumage set off by a striking golden-orange face.

“You can’t mistake a LeConte’s sparrow once you spot it,” Kathy says.

Another easy bird to spot is the vesper sparrow, named for its twilight song resembling tinkling vesper bells signaling ecclesiast­ical services. The perky bird perches on the fence wires as you approach the refuge headquarte­rs.

It has a prominent white eye-ring and dark patch behind the eye. White trim on the outer tail feathers may be helpful in identifyin­g the bird as it takes flight.

Don’t fret about identifyin­g all the sprightly sparrows. Go to the refuge and enjoy watching them against the panorama of a native prairie with flocks of snow geese cackling in the air overhead.

 ?? Kathy Adams Clark ?? The vesper sparrow is named for its twilight song resembling tinkling vesper bells. See it at the Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge near Sealy.
Kathy Adams Clark The vesper sparrow is named for its twilight song resembling tinkling vesper bells. See it at the Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge near Sealy.
 ?? Kathy Adams Clark ?? Le Conte’s sparrow is a grassland sparrow. See it at the Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge near Sealy.
Kathy Adams Clark Le Conte’s sparrow is a grassland sparrow. See it at the Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge near Sealy.

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