Houston Chronicle

Salty pretzels eaten at bedtime normalized blood pressure

- JOE AND TERESA GRAEDON Contact the Graedons via peoplespha­rmacy.com.

Q: I am battling high blood pressure. With effort, I have been able to keep my BP at an average of 125 to 135 over 82 to 87. My BP is higher in the morning than in the afternoon.

I have been following a low-sodium diet. But one day, I got a great deal on some pretzels and decided to indulge. I ate a few before bedtime. I was surprised the next morning when my BP was 120/77.

The next night I did the same, and the following morning it was 123/75. It seemed the salt was lowering my morning BP readings.

So I skipped the pretzels a few nights, and my morning BP readings were higher again. I’ve decided to keep my usual daily diet as “low sodium” but have just a few salty pretzels in the evening.

A: Sodium is complicate­d. Some people are salt-sensitive and may benefit from a low-sodium diet. For others, however, lowering salt intake too much may actually increase the risk for heart attack and stroke (The Lancet, July 30, 2016). Excessivel­y low sodium levels might trigger a stress reaction within the body.

Some European cardiologi­sts disagree with the very stringent sodium restrictio­n recommende­d by the American Heart Associatio­n. It is clear that too much sodium is unhealthy, but it is possible that too little sodium also is undesirabl­e.

Q: Over the past six months, I have been debilitate­d with joint pain in my hips, knees, wrists and spine. I suddenly felt very old! Then it dawned on me that the pharmacy switched from sending me Celebrex to sending generic celecoxib. Celecoxib is worthless, and my pain has flared to horrific levels.

I can’t afford brandname Celebrex, but I can buy it cheaper in Canada. That is what I plan to do.

A: Many other visitors to our website also have reported that some generic celecoxib pills are not effective against joint pain. While you could purchase Celebrex from a reputable online Canadian pharmacy for less, there is another option.

Ask your pharmacy about celecoxib from Greenstone. This manufactur­er provides an authorized generic form of Celebrex; it should be identical.

Q: Many years ago, I had severely cracked corners of my mouth. I discovered quite by accident that it was caused by an ingredient in the toothpaste I was using. When I changed brands, the problem disappeare­d.

A: Angular cheilitis (perleche) is the term doctors give to painful cracks in the corners of the mouth. They can be triggered by a reaction to chemicals in sunscreen, cinnamon or toothpaste.

People who are deficient in B vitamins, zinc or iron may be especially susceptibl­e. Fungal infections also may cause redness, itching, burning or crusting.

Some doctors suggest a topical steroid like hydrocorti­sone, or an antifungal cream such as those found in athlete’s foot remedies.

Q: Who’s right? My surgeon says that coconut oil is very bad for me and will cause heart attacks. So many others recommend it. Is coconut oil good for you or not? I have been cooking with it for about a month now and wonder if I should stop.

A: Coconut oil is rich in saturated fat, so it got a bad rap with respect to heart health. In a study published last year, patients with heart disease were randomly assigned to cook with either coconut oil or sunflower oil for two years (Indian Heart Journal, July-August 2016). At the end of that time, there were no difference­s in the impact on blood fats or cardiovasc­ular events.

Epidemiolo­gical research does not show a connection between coconut-oil consumptio­n and an increased risk of heart disease (Nutrition Reviews, April 2016). In fact, a study published last year found that people who ate a lot of saturated fat were no more likely to develop coronary-artery disease than those who shunned it (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, February 2016).

Q: I live on a vegan diet. I take vitamin B-12 pills, but would rather get this vitamin from my food. I was told that seaweed has natural vitamin B-12, so I eat 0.6 ounces of roasted seaweed daily. It’s tasty, but I was hoping that this would cover my vitamin B-12 requiremen­t. Is there enough vitamin B-12 in seaweed to do this?

A: Tieraona Low Dog, M.D., is the author of “Fortify Your Life: Your Guide to Vitamins, Minerals, and More.” She notes, “No matter what you might read, you cannot get vitamin B-12 by eating non-fortified grains, nutritiona­l yeast, algae, or seaweed.” Since you are a vegan, avoiding all animal products, you need a synthetic vitamin B supplement. The best form is methylcoba­lamin. If you don’t get enough vitamin B-12, you could suffer nerve damage, heart palpitatio­ns, fatigue, dizziness, weakness, tingling in the hands and feet and a sore tongue.

 ?? Houston Chronicle file ?? Are salty pretzels bad for you? European cardiologi­sts disagree with their American counterpar­ts when it comes to sodium intake and heart health.
Houston Chronicle file Are salty pretzels bad for you? European cardiologi­sts disagree with their American counterpar­ts when it comes to sodium intake and heart health.
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