Houston Chronicle

Discord threatens House Russia probe

- By Matthew Schofield

WASHINGTON — A week that began with a public hearing by the House Intelligen­ce Committee that confirmed the FBI is conducting a counterint­elligence investigat­ion into possible collusion between President Donald Trump’s election campaign and Russia ended Friday with “deeply disturbing signs” that a House probe into the same topic is breaking apart.

Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., the chairman of the committee, announced Friday that he had postponed what was to have been another public hearing on Tuesday, a decision that was angrily denounced moments later by Rep. Adam Schiff, the California­n who is the highestran­king Democrat on the committee. Schiff pointedly

called the postponeme­nt a cancellati­on.

Nunes had said the committee needed more time so its members could hear in closed session more testimony from FBI Director James Comey and his National Security Agency counterpar­t, Adm. Mike Rogers. The two had said Monday that they could not answer some 50 questions in public, and Nunes said the committee needs those answers “before we can move forward.”

Among the questions were any details of investigat­ions ordered under the Foreign Intelligen­ce Surveillan­ce Act and the names of anyone allegedly linked to the case, including former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who served in the Trump administra­tion for 24 days before he was fired for misleading Vice President Mike Pence about his contacts with Russia’s ambassador.

But Schiff accused Nunes of canceling the hearing, which was to have heard from Obama administra­tion officials — Director of National Intelligen­ce James Clapper, CIA Director John Brennan and former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates — to “choke off public informatio­n” and avoid any more embarrassm­ent to the White House.

Questions on Manafort

“I don’t think that anyone should have any doubt about what is really going on here,” Schiff said. “The point was to cancel a public hearing.”

Comey and Rogers also declined to respond to questions about former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who was fired in August when it was learned he was under investigat­ion for possibly accepting $12 million from a pro-Russia political party in Ukraine, and Roger Stone, a one-time Trump campaign adviser who has acknowledg­ed contacts with WikiLeaks and Guccifer 2.0 over pirated Democratic party emails.

Nunes said Friday that Manafort had agreed to testify. Trump adviser Carter Page and Stone volunteere­d to speak to the committee as well.

Nunes told reporters outside the committee’s “no visitors allowed” chambers that the cancellati­on of Tuesday’s hearing was a scheduling matter. But Schiff used the same location to say he believed Nunes was acting at the bidding of the White House.

Their competing views were just the latest sign that the pledge that Congress could undertake an independen­t probe into Russian election meddling through its already existing committees is in deep trouble.

Explosive, confusing

That has been obvious since Wednesday, when Nunes announced that he had become privy to documents that showed that Trump and his associates had been the subject of what is known in counterint­elligence as “incidental collection” — a term employed to describe Americans whose names turn up in the communicat­ions of foreigners being monitored by U.S. intelligen­ce agencies.

Nunes said the surveillan­ce appeared to have been legal, authorized by the nation’s secretive Foreign Intelligen­ce Surveillan­ce Court. But in the context of the past month, when Trump accused President Barack Obama of having ordered that he be wiretapped, only to have that accusation rejected by congressio­nal leaders and then, on Monday, Comey and Rogers, the revelation was explosive, if confusing.

“For the most part, the reports have value for intelligen­ce,” Nunes said. “But there are some questions, some informatio­n in the documents that I don’t think belongs there.”

Schiff, who by Friday still had not seen the material, described the focus of those reports as intelligen­ce on “foreign spies.” He characteri­zed the way in which Nunes, and no one else on the committee, had gained access to the documents as a “dead of night” trip — he didn’t say to where — to view the documents.

 ?? J. Scott Applewhite / Associated Press ?? Rep. Adam Schiff of the House Intelligen­ce Committee says he believes the panel’s chairman, Rep. Devin Nunes, is acting at the bidding of the White House.
J. Scott Applewhite / Associated Press Rep. Adam Schiff of the House Intelligen­ce Committee says he believes the panel’s chairman, Rep. Devin Nunes, is acting at the bidding of the White House.

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