Houston Chronicle

Jordan must account for U.S. troops’ deaths

- By James R. Moriarty Moriarty, who served three tours of duty as a U.S. Marine in Vietnam, is a Houston attorney.

A Jordanian soldier killed my son Army Staff Sgt. James F. Moriarty and two of his Green Beret brothers as they returned at midday to King Faisal air base in Jordan on Nov. 4, 2016. Since then, the government of Jordan has repeatedly misled the world about the incident, which I believe was nothing less than murder.

Jordan quickly blamed my son and his fallen brothers, Sgt. 1st Class Matthew Lewellen and Staff Sgt. Kevin McEnroe, for failing to properly stop at a guard gate as they returned to the base where they lived and worked. Internatio­nal news reports soon included the false Jordanian explanatio­n. Then the Jordanian story changed. An “accidental” weapon discharge provoked the guard to open fire, officials said. An FBI investigat­ion later showed that excuse to be false, too.

Then three weeks ago, just hours before the Lewellen and McEnroe families and I went public in Washington with findings from our ongoing search for justice, Jordan’s ambassador to the U.S. released a new statement. The ambassador for King Abdullah II — whose country receives more than $100 million per month in U.S. foreign aid — called the killings “tragic and very unfortunat­e” and “deplorable,” but still claimed that “rules of engagement” were followed.

The letter infuriated our families. It also further united us. We reside in different geographic­al and political places, but our three families agree that honoring our sons’ service and sacrifices must include finding the truth about what happened to them in Jordan and why.

Because of the work of the U.S. Army and the FBI, we now know what happened to our sons. What we do not know is why it happened or when Jordan will be held accountabl­e. On Feb. 28, the FBI showed us the haunting surveillan­ce video of our sons’ killings.

The video shows the truck driven by McEnroe slowly pulled up to the gate — just like any other day. The Jordanian soldier, wearing body armor and hidden in a concrete guardhouse behind camouflage­d netting, opened fire without warning with an M-16 assault rifle. He was no more than 5 feet away. Bullet holes appeared in the view of the camera. Shattered glass flew.

The video also shows the chances of survival for McEnroe and Lewellen were almost zero. Caught completely by surprise attack, they died quickly in a hail of gunfire. My son Jimmy met a different fate. The Jordanian killer stalked him for minutes.

My son and another Green Beret, who would survive the attack, exited their trucks just in time to avoid being killed in the first bursts of gunfire. Armed only with pistols, they then spent the remaining six-and-ahalf minutes of my son’s life communicat­ing with the soldier and other Jordanian soldiers in English and in Arabic. They soon realized they were in a fight to the death. The video shows Jimmy desperatel­y waving and motioning to the five nearby Jordanian soldiers with whom they had worked that morning. Six other Jordanian gate guards did nothing to stop the assault.

The Jordanian soldier finally cornered the Green Beret survivor and my son. As the shooter came around a nearby truck, he caught the survivor by surprise. My son can be seen standing up in full view of the shooter and engaging him with his pistol. This move allowed the Green Beret to get to the Jordanian soldier’s blind side and empty his pistol into gaps in his body armor, wounding him. My son took the bullets intended for the survivor and died moments later. The shooter, who was taken into custody by the Jordanian government, then was put into a medically induced coma. FBI investigat­ors later conducted hours of questionin­g and the shooter gave yet another false explanatio­n for the deaths: He heard “a loud noise” that he took for gunfire.

Americans are told that Jordan is our “ally.” This incident raises troubling questions about that relationsh­ip — especially as Jordan refuses to accept responsibi­lity for these deaths of U.S. troops or confirm what truly happened. Were I to speak directly with King Abdullah, I would remind him that my son called out in Arabic to his killer and other Jordanian soldiers, “We are Americans. We are friends.”

The time has come for the Jordanian government to finally account for these killings or risk its $1.6 billion foreign aid package. We want the killer of our sons prosecuted. We want the Jordanian government to apologize and publicly clear the names of our sons — and do everything possible to prevent such killings in the future. No more U.S. service members need to die at the hands of so-called American allies.

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 ?? Susan Walsh / Associated Press ?? James Moriarty salutes the casket of his son, U.S. Army Staff Sgt. James F. Moriarty, at Arlington National Cemetery.
Susan Walsh / Associated Press James Moriarty salutes the casket of his son, U.S. Army Staff Sgt. James F. Moriarty, at Arlington National Cemetery.

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