Houston Chronicle

Coal museum sees the future; Trump doesn’t

Thomas Friedman says that while the gallery goes solar for financial reasons, the president prolongs a dying industry — with no economic logic.

- Friedman is a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for the New York Times

Did you catch this gem on CNN.com from April 6? “The Kentucky Coal Mining Museum in Benham, owned by Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College, is switching to solar power to save money. … Communicat­ions director Brandon Robinson told CNN affiliate WYMT that the project ‘will help save at least eight to ten thousand dollars, off the energy costs on this building alone.’”

Go figure. The coal mining museum is going solar, for solid economic reasons, and President Donald Trump is reviving coal, with no economic logic. This bizarre contrast speaks to a deeper question of leadership and how we judge presidents.

Trump recenty took two major national security decisions. One was to strike Syria for using poison gas. Trump summoned his national security team, asked for options on Syria, chose the cruise-missile strike — which was right — and won praise for acting “presidenti­al.”

The other decision you didn’t see. It was Trump dismantlin­g budgets and regulation­s undergirdi­ng U.S. climate and environmen­tal protection policies — in his nutty effort to revive U.S. coal-fired energy — while quietly announcing plans to withhold a promised $32.5 million U.S. contributi­on for the U.N. Population Fund, which supports family planning and maternal health.

Unlike the Syria decision, Trump made the second move without seeking a comprehens­ive briefing from experts — he controls the world’s greatest collection of climate scientists at NASA, NOAA, the EPA, the Pentagon and the CIA — and without ever asking for an intelligen­ce briefing on how the combinatio­n of climate change, environmen­tal degradatio­n, drought and population explosions helped trigger the civil war in Syria, spawn terrorist groups like Boko Haram around Africa’s central Lake Chad and become the main force pushing tens of thousands of migrants from sub-Saharan Africa into Europe each year, and from Central America up to the U.S.

I promise you that Trump will spend the rest of his presidency dealing with the disruption­s caused by this cocktail of population explosion and climate/ environmen­tal degradatio­n — and his generals know it. But in today’s politics, bombing is considered presidenti­al and ignoring science and defunding family planning are ho-hum back-page news.

Since Trump seems to be pivoting from some of his campaign nonsense, one can only hope he will do the same on these issues. If Trump is looking for a blueprint, he could not do better than to read “Climate of Hope,” by a most unlikely duo: former Sierra Club executive director Carl Pope and billionair­e and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Pope went to Bloomberg in 2011 with a plan for generating bottom-up community activism to help shut down as many coal-fired power plants in America as possible, so another generation of American kids wouldn’t be afflicted with childhood asthma and another generation of coal workers wouldn’t have to make a living breathing coal dust.

Bloomberg put $50 million into the effort, and the rest is history, thanks to the Sierra Club mobilizing communitie­s and technology making natural gas a much cleaner, cheaper base-load power source for utilities, and wind and solar energy more cost-effective.

When the Sierra Club and Bloomberg started in 2011, there were 514 coal-fired power plants in America; since then, 254 have announced they will shut down. They expect that fully two-thirds will be phased out by 2022 — no matter what Trump says or does.

“Climate of Hope” is about how to build on this, by reframing the interrelat­ed challenges of climate change, clean air, clean water and population “from questions of who is going to sacrifice to who is going to grab the profits,” Bloomberg explained.

Imagine, added Pope, that every U.S. company joined Anheuser-Busch in committing to getting all of its electricit­y from renewable sources.

Imagine every U.S. city joining those already buying electric self-driving vehicles, thereby scaling a new auto-ondemand industry and unlocking so much real estate for growth and easing urban housing prices. Imagine that instead of vowing to bring back coal mining jobs, our president offered to link West Virginia and the nation’s most prosperous metropolit­an economy — Washington, D.C. — with high-speed rail service.

Imagine ... we could actually make America great again, not just prolong a dying coal industry! Now that would be presidenti­al.

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