Houston Chronicle

Cuba travel policy voids Obama rules

New restrictio­ns ban private trips, military dealings

- By Julie Hirschfeld Davis NEW YORK TIMES

MIAMI — President Donald Trump announced Friday that he was reversing crucial pieces of a “terrible and misguided deal” with Cuba and will reinstate travel and commercial restrictio­ns eased by the Obama administra­tion so he can obtain additional concession­s from the Cuban government.

During a speech in Little Havana, Fla., the epicenter of a Cuban exile community that enthusiast­ically supported him in last year’s election, Trump said he was keeping a campaign promise to roll back the policy of engagement begun by former President Barack Obama in 2014, which he said had empowered the communist government in Cuba and

enriched the country’s repressive military.

“We will not be silent in the face of communist oppression any longer,” Trump said at the Manuel Ar time Theater, named for a former supporter of Fidel Castro who became a leader of Brigade 2506, the land forces that spearheade­d the U.S.-led Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961.

“Effective immediatel­y, I am canceling the last administra­tion’s completely one-sided deal with Cuba,” Trump said.

After the speech, he signed a sixpage directive ordering new travel and commercial restrictio­ns.

As part of the new policy, Americans will no longer be able to plan their own private trips to Cuba, and those who go as part of authorized educationa­l tours will be subject to strict new rules and audits to ensure that they are not going just as tourists.

U.S. companies and citizens will also be barred from doing business with any firm controlled by the Cuban military or its intelligen­ce or security services, walling off crucial parts of the economy, including much of the tourist sector, from U.S. access.

“We do not want U.S. dollars to prop up a military monopoly that exploits and abuses the citizens of Cuba,” Trump said.

‘Battles of the past’

Despite his grandiose descriptio­n, the president’s policy represents a middle ground between hard-liners in Congress, including Sen. Marco Rubio and Rep. Mario Díaz-Balart, both Florida Republican­s who have called for a complete reversal of Obama’s Cuba policy, and business leaders, human rights groups and many of Trump’s own advisers who wanted to preserve it.

It drew swift condemnati­on from diverse quarters, from congressio­nal Democrats and a handful of Republican­s who support greater engagement with Cuba, to business-minded conservati­ves like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which argued the move would hurt U.S. businesses and jobs.

Still, Trump’s action allowed him to claim credit for taking a tough stand while leaving in place many of the changes made by Obama, which polls have shown are broadly supported, including by most Republican­s.

Under Trump’s directive, embassies in Washington and Havana will stay open and cruises and direct flights between the United States and Cuba will be protected under an exception from the prohibitio­n on transactio­ns with military-controlled entities.

Nor does the measure affect the ability of Cuban-Americans to travel freely to the island and send money to relatives there, or abroad array of rules the Obama administra­tion put in place aimed at making it easier for U.S. companies to do business in Cuba.

Just over one year ago, Obama took the stage at a theater in Havana, with Castro in attendance, to reject that thinking and declare that he intended to “bury the last vestige of the Cold War” and“leave behind the ideologica­l battles of the past.”

‘We remember’

On Friday, Trump sought to revive that struggle, listing the misdeeds of the Castro government over more than five decades. “We will never, ever be blind to it,” Trump said. “We remember what happened.”

His audience of Cuban exiles and their families, including Rubio and Díaz-Balart, roared its approval.

“President Trump will treat the Castro regime as the malevolent dictatorsh­ip that it is,” Díaz-Balart exulted.

Under Trump’s directive, the department­s of Treasury and Commerce will have 30 days to begin writing new travel and commercial regulation­s. They are instructed to reverse a rule Obama put in place last year to allow Americans who are making educationa­l or cultural trips to initiate their own travel to Cuba without special permission from the U.S. government and without a licensed tour company, as long as they kept records of their activities for five years.

Such trips will now only be possible through a U.S. government­approved tour company, as was the case before 2016. The move shuts down what amounted to a backdoor way to allow American tourism in Cuba, despite the decades-old embargo that prohibits it.

Trump is also directing a broad prohibitio­n against Americans doing business with companies controlled by the military, intelligen­ce or security services in Cuba, which own large swaths of the economy through the military’s business arm known as Grupo de Administra­cion Empresaria­l SA.

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