Houston Chronicle

Trump upholds Obama’s DACA policy

‘Dreamers’ can stay, but not their foreign parents

- By Kevin Diaz

WASHINGTON — The dream goes on — for now.

Despite campaign pledges to the contrary, the Trump administra­tion signaled Friday that it is keeping in place Obama-era protection­s for “Dreamers” — immigrants who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children.

But the news came in a Homeland Security memo announcing that the administra­tion is revoking similar protection­s for certain legal residents and immigrants in the country illegally who have U.S.-born children. That Obama policy, known as DAPA, has been tied up in court since 2015, when a federal judge blocked it in response to a suit brought by Texas and 25 other states. It never went into effect.

The formal announceme­nt actually came late Thursday, the same day that parties in the Texas suit challengin­g the program faced a court deadline in Brownsvill­e to resolve the case. Instead,

“It is unclear what will happen with DACA in the future.” Ignacia Rodriguez, National Immigratio­n Law Center

Homeland Security Department indicated on its website that “there is no credible path forward” for the federal government in court.

The administra­tion said it was not ready to end former President Barack Obama’s 2012 policy known as DACA, for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. A memorandum by Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said the DACA program “will remain in effect.”

‘Living in the shadows’

The program has granted temporary work permits and reprieves from deportatio­n to nearly 800,000 people living in the U.S. illegally. A fact sheet accompanyi­ng the policy said “no work permits will be terminated prior to their current expiration dates.”

But administra­tion officials and immigrant rights activists made clear that President Donald Trump has not made a final decision about the long-term fate of the program.

“It is unclear what will happen with DACA in the future,” said Ignacia Rodriguez, an immigratio­n advocate for the National Immigratio­n Law Center.

During his presidenti­al campaign, Trump called both programs “illegal executive amnesties” that circumvent­ed Congress. He vowed to end them immediatel­y. But as president, he has acknowledg­ed that he would have trouble taking action against people who were brought into the country as children.

In April, White House press secretary Sean Spicer explained Trump’s reluctance by saying that he “has a heart.”

Neverthele­ss, immigrant rights activists said that Trump’s aggressive new deportatio­n policies continue apace, including against people with no criminal records. Many also decried the decision to revoke DAPA (Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents), saying it extinguish­es the hopes of more than 4 million parents of American citizens and green card holders.

“Their situation is not ameliorate­d at all,” said Nina Perales of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, which represents three undocument­ed women from the Rio Grande Valley in the DAPA case. “They lead quiet lives, but they’re living in the shadows, taking care of their children, trying to get by as best they can with no relief on the horizon.”

‘Unlawful edict’

Trump’s decision won praise from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who led a coalition of 26 state attorneys general that sued the Obama administra­tion in 2015 to block the order. Calling it “an unlawful edict,” Paxton said Friday that “Texas handed President Obama his biggest court defeat of all” after the U.S. Supreme Court halted DAPA’s implementa­tion last June.

The high court justices deadlocked 4-4 on a challenge to the DAPA ruling in Texas, leaving the ruling in place from U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen, who said Obama had oversteppe­d his authority.

The Trump administra­tion announceme­nt came on the fifth anniversar­y of Obama’s order creating the DACA program. It also came exactly two years after Trump opened his presidenti­al campaign, making derogatory remarks about Mexican immigrants.

Taking aim at another Obama initiative, Trump was in Miami on Friday to announce that he was rolling back much of the prior administra­tion’s overtures to the Communist nation of Cuba.

Both moves scored points with the conservati­ve base that elected Trump, particular­ly the immigratio­n initiative.

Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, posted on Twitter: “The restoratio­n of our republican form of government advances. Next up, end lawless Dreamer amnesty for illegal alien children and adults.”

Immigratio­n rights activists said that in the face of Trump’s campaign promises, Dreamers and their families still have cause for worry, particular­ly as Trump ratchets up immigratio­n enforcemen­t and pursues a wall along the southweste­rn border.

“While the Trump administra­tion has left the DACA program in place for now, their enforcemen­t actions and policy decisions continue to create fear and anxiety in immigrant communitie­s,” said U.S. Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham, chairwoman of the Congressio­nal Hispanic Caucus. “Their announceme­nt to keep DACA, while revoking DAPA and deporting family members is deceitful and is another effort to keep immigrant families uncomforta­ble about their place in America.”

‘The undesirabl­es’

Others expressed hope, noting that if Trump wanted to summarily revoke the DACA program, there would be little to stop him except the political risk of off ending Americans who are sympatheti­c to the plight of immigrants in the country without permission.

“The only thing that is sure in Trump’s America is uncertaint­y,” said Lorella Praeli, director of immigratio­n for the American Civil Liberties Union. “Action speaks louder than words.”

With an estimated 11 million people living in the U.S. illegally, some 1.6 million of them in Texas, activists on both sides of the debate worry that the Dreamers could become the next front in a fierce political battle.

“It is a sad day when political powers still use Dreamers as pawns to continue to spread the narrative of the good immigrant versus the undesirabl­es,” said Houston activist Cesar Espinosa, executive director of Immigrant Families and Students in the Struggle. “We hope that we can continue to advocate for family unity, and eventually we reform our broken immigratio­n system.”

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