Houston Chronicle

One nation

State-led Constituti­on changes are fraught with peril.


Today we associate the Fourth of July with fireworks, barbecues, parades and picnics. But on this national day of celebratio­n, let’s never forget the Declaratio­n of Independen­ce was signed 241 years ago by a remarkable group of men, a gathering of great minds the likes of which our republic hasn’t hosted in centuries.

All of which should give us pause when today’s politician­s talk about assembling a convention of contempora­ry partisans to mess with the Constituti­on of the United States.

At the urging of Gov. Greg Abbott, Texas recently became the 11th state in the nation to adopt a resolution calling for a convention of states to amend the Constituti­on. The governor declared this one of his “emergency” priorities for the last session of the Legislatur­e, suggesting this proposal was less about changing the way our nation is governed and more about raising a politician’s national profile.

Anybody who witnessed the behavior of some state lawmakers in the last session of the Legislatur­e needs to think twice about whether these are the kind of people we want monkeying around with the U.S. Constituti­on. We don’t have many Washington­s, Jeffersons or Hamiltons in Texas government these days, so it’s hard to imagine what kind of delegates we would choose to revise our nation’s most sacred governing document.

The Texas resolution specifical­ly mentions term limits, limiting federal spending and limiting the power Washington exerts over the states. But the goals are much the same in resolution­s passed by other states controlled by Republican legislatur­es. So people who otherwise see themselves as conservati­ves are embracing this radical notion.

That agenda is part of the reason this is a bad idea. If our country is going to hold a convention to consider fundamenta­l changes to our Constituti­on, such a gathering should have widespread support from a broad swath of the citizenry. Instead, this is a movement spawned by a fringe group on one side of the nation’s political spectrum.

Given the hyper-partisansh­ip and incendiary nature of civil discourse today, this seems like an especially bad time to revisit the governing document bequeathed to us by our nation’s founders. When people start talking about changing the Constituti­on, you never know where the discussion will lead.

On this Fourth of July, let’s remember how we’ve always governed our country. If the Constituti­on needs amending, it can be changed through Congress and the state legislatur­es. It’s a process that’s worked just fine 27 times.

When all else fails, all we need to do is read the instructio­n manual: The Constituti­on of the United States.

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