Houston Chronicle


Fourth of July is the perfect time to test knowledge of American history

- By Diane Cowen

The Fourth of July holiday is filled with icons and traditions. The American flag is a symbol of freedom and unity, and the Liberty Bell provides a history lesson on our early fight for independen­ce.

On this day, we place our hands over our hearts and pay tribute to Old Glory with our national anthem, “The Star Spangled Banner.”

More commonly, we fill the day with barbecues and family reunions, splash in pools, play lawn games and, apparently, consume vast quantities of hot dogs.

Let’s not forget the fireworks. We’ll light firecracke­rs and a few sparklers during the day, mostly because we simply can’t wait for the pyrotechni­c displays that start when it gets dark outside.

As we prepare for a day of fun and sun, let’s consider how much we all really know about this day’s history.

1. Who was the first person to sign the Declaratio­n of Independen­ce? A. George Washington B. John Adams C. John Hancock D. Benjamin Franklin

2. The Statue of Liberty was created in France. What was the name of the ship that brought its 350 pieces to America? A. Victoire B. Isere C. Saint George D. Marquis

3. What was the first use of the Liberty Bell? A. To alert people when British troops were near B. To summon people for the first reading of the Declaratio­n of Independen­ce C. To mark the birthday of William Penn D. To alert the city when the town hall was on fire

that he uses for his work as a web designer.

He has only two pairs of pants, four shirts and four T-shirts, five pairs of underwear and four pairs of socks in the closet. Ei has two special-occasion outfits on hangers and two small drawers for her regular clothes. Numahata says his wife is not a minimalist: She has five drawers for all her clothes, winter and summer.

This kind of extreme minimalism is not standard practice in Japan, but the concept of making do with less has become much more mainstream in recent years, an antidote to materialis­m and excess. For the Numahata family and others like them, less really is more.

The most famous proponent of this concept abroad is the Japanese decluttere­r Marie Kondo, whose “KonMari” method — she tells people to get rid of everything that doesn’t “spark joy” — has swept through the West in recent years.

But minimalism and declutteri­ng became a craze in Japan several years before Kondo arrived on the scene. Indeed, people here know the concept not as the “KonMari” method but as “danshari” — taken from three Japanese characters meaning “refuse,” “dispose” and “separate.”

“Modern society is all about getting more, more, more without taking account of your whole situation,” said Hideko Yamashita, who was promoting the idea of danshari several years before Kondo arrived on the declutteri­ng scene. (She considers Kondo something of an interloper.)

“With danshari, you need to determine what’s contaminat­ing you and get rid of it,” Yamashita said in her sparsely furnished apartment in Tokyo, urging both a physical decontamin­ation process of space and a clearing of the mind.

Her book on danshari became an instant bestseller in Japan, and the concept has now become a verb in its own right. Japanese people don’t talk about KonMari, they say: “Ah, my house is a mess. I need to danshari.”

This is the opposite of the other recent exotic home trend: the Danish concept of “hygge” — creating a cozy space with rugs and candles and other things that make you feel warm.

Danshari is based on the idea that if you have a clutter-free environmen­t, your mind will also be clear. Formulatin­g it, Yamashita, who is 63, was heavily influenced by Eastern religions.

Zen Buddhism and Shintoism taught her to think about what she needs right now and to get rid of impurities, she said. And then there’s Tao, the philosophy that considers the natural order of the universe.

Many Japanese people of Yamashita’s generation, born after World War II, became hoarders, unwilling to throw anything away in case they needed it in a time of emergency. There is a constant refrain here of “mottainai,” or “don’t be wasteful” — as in, better keep those 300 shopping bags in case you need them.

This clutter explains why so many Japanese people are unhappy today, she said.

“We have many depressed people in Japan. Their heads are too full of informatio­n, they become overwhelme­d with their thoughts,” she said. The process of getting rid of tangible belongings helps clear out intangible things, too.

Some psychologi­sts have started “prescribin­g” danshari to their patients to get them to reflect on themselves, and Yamashita says danshari can even be good for relationsh­ips: Once you’ve decluttere­d, you’re more likely to invite people home.

Many Japanese people have seized on danshari as a way of life.

Yuriko Ozaki, a working mother in Osaka with three boys, started declutteri­ng after the devastatin­g earthquake that rocked Japan in 2011. This event forced her to reconsider what was important in life — and having less stuff also reduces the chance of being hurt by it during an earthquake.

She now writes a blog teaching other parents how to declutter, even while having children, and has written a book on how owning less stuff means less housework and less strain on the family budget.

Then there’s Numahata, who was inspired by a photo in a magazine of a Japanese house that contained almost nothing and has also written a book, with fellow danshari devotee Fumio Sasaki.

“The year that we had our daughter, our place was so messy,” he said. “It inspired me to make our house look like the one in the magazine. We got rid of so much stuff, and I really liked the liberating feeling I got from having so little.”

Once they were done, he made his wife a cup of coffee. She sat in the empty room and drank it, and pronounced it delicious, he said — drawing the conclusion that it tasted better because their space and minds were clear.

It’s changed the way they live their lives, he said. He moves more quietly and gracefully now, and as a family they go out more. (Numahata said his wife, an animator, is not a danshari follower but just “doesn’t like stuff.”)

Now Numahata is raising the next generation of minimalist in Ei, who just naturally cleans up after herself, he said.

“As she’s growing up, of course she wants stuff,” he says of his daughter. “When we do buy things, we buy small things that fit in the basket.”

And they pass on gifts or toys that Ei has outgrown. “We let many of the things go without getting attached to them. We repeat that cycle,” Numahata said. “People question why we give presents away, people might think it’s cold. It’s just the way we live.”

With the few toys that she has, Ei makes up lots of games and has developed a good imaginatio­n, her father said. Ei speaks perfect, unaccented English, even though she goes to a Japanese kindergart­en and hears only a little English at home from her father.

Visitors to their apartment are initially surprised by how empty it is, but soon remark how comfortabl­e they feel, he said. To explain why, Numahata quoted a Taoist principle: “It’s the empty space inside the pot that makes it useful.”

 ?? T. O’Keefe ?? Liberty Bell
T. O’Keefe Liberty Bell
 ?? Houston Chronicle file ??
Houston Chronicle file
 ?? Shiho Fukada photos ?? The kitchen counter in Naoki Numahata’s apartment is empty, save for a lone coffee cup.
Shiho Fukada photos The kitchen counter in Naoki Numahata’s apartment is empty, save for a lone coffee cup.
 ??  ?? Numahata’s daughter, Ei, stores all of her toys in a basket when not in use.
Numahata’s daughter, Ei, stores all of her toys in a basket when not in use.

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