Houston Chronicle

An unapologet­ic Christie announces deal to end the New Jersey shutdown


New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie announced late Monday night that he had struck a budget deal with Democrats to end a threeday shutdown of the state government, following an outcry — and cable-news sensation — over his use of a closed public beach amid the impasse.

The agreement was expected to reopen most state parks and beaches for the July 4 holiday, which for decades has brought a rush of vacationer­s to the Jersey Shore.

“I’m saddened that it’s three days late, but I’ll sign the budget tonight,” Christie told reporters at a news conference in Trenton.

The crux of the agreement was a compromise over Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey, the state’s largest insurer. Christie had been pushing for months to gain more control over the nonprofit, which has more than $2 billion in reserve.

The deal would cap the group’s reserves and give lawmakers more say over its operation.

“We have finally capped the excess profits of Horizon,” he said.

Christie — in a dark suit and standing before the state flag — was unapologet­ic through his lengthy remarks about spending time in recent days at Island Beach State Park, a state beach that had been shuttered during the shutdown.

Christie was spotted there with his family by an aerial photograph­er from Newark’s Star-Ledger, the state’s largest newspaper. Those pictures quickly spread on social media Monday and were played heavily on cable news.

“Whenever I get done tonight, I’ll go back to the beach,” Christie said. “That’s where my family is, and that’s where I’ll go back to.”

He added, “Let’s be really clear: That’s our residence. And we have a right to be there whenever we want to be there.”

Christie is the nation’s most unpopular governor. A Quinnipiac University poll last month showed him with an approval rating of 15 percent.

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