Houston Chronicle

Phony voting fraud

Trump’s ‘Election Integrity’ Commission is a waste of time and a waste of taxpayer money.


Anybody who watches a baseball game on television knows the drill.

A close call happens on the field. A manager thinks the umpire got it wrong. The play gets reviewed by some impartial officials in another city, who study the video replays to reach an unbiased final decision. And the game goes on.

Now, imagine if the play were reviewed not by some dispassion­ate officials carefully watching the evidence, but by a heckler yelling at the ump. That’s what’s wrong with President Donald Trump’s “Election Integrity Commission,” an investigat­ive body run by a guy who’s spent years screaming that the game is rigged.

The president created this commission in the wake of one of his most ludicrous Twitter rants — and that’s saying a lot — in which he claimed that millions of illegal voters cast ballots against him last year. Never mind that not a single state election official, Republican or Democrat, has found any evidence of widespread illegal voting in 2016. Never mind that academic studies and government investigat­ions — including probes conducted at the behest of GOP officials — have repeatedly concluded that illegally cast votes in this era are vanishingl­y rare.

Although Trump’s commission is chaired by Vice President Mike Pence, the man who’s apparently running the show is its vice chairman, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach. As his state’s chief elections officer, Kobach has been an outspoken promoter of the notion that voter fraud is a significan­t problem, even though he’s managed to file only nine criminal cases from the pool of 1.6 million Kansas voters. He’s the heckler who’s been yelling from the stands, and now he’s running a committee reviewing whether the game was rigged.

Kobach did something last week that even a loud mouth at a ballgame could have told him was a bad call. He sent letters to every secretary of state in the nation asking for a broad range of informatio­n about all American voters, including their voting histories, their birth dates, their party affiliatio­ns and the last four digits of their social security numbers. Even some state officials from his own party — who’ve spent years screaming bloody murder about federal government overreach — cried foul.

Texas Secretary of State Rolando Pablos said his office will turn over only public informatio­n routinely available to any citizen, such as the names, addresses, birth dates and political party affiliatio­ns of voters. Other secretarie­s of state are flatly refusing to cooperate. Mississipp­i’s top election official, a Republican, told the commission to “go jump in the Gulf of Mexico.” Democrats decried the investigat­ion as a fishing expedition designed to bolster voter suppressio­n efforts.

That bipartisan reaction is evidence this commission is a waste of time and a waste of taxpayer money. The reason is simple: Kobach has no credibilit­y. Even if you’re one of those people who believe voter fraud is a big problem, his measly record of nine prosecutio­ns in Kansas should convince you he’s as ineffectiv­e as Barney Fife.

If President Trump is serious about investigat­ing allegation­s of voter fraud, he should appoint a dispassion­ate committee trusted by people in both parties. Presidenti­al commission­s that have seriously addressed serious problems have been bipartisan and apolitical, like the Warren Commission investigat­ing the Kennedy assassinat­ion and the Rogers Commission probing the Challenger disaster. At a time when our election systems are under attack by a hostile foreign government, a trusted commission could make valuable recommenda­tions acceptable to people in both parties.

Instead, the president has called a heckler down from the bleachers to review what he claims was a bad call. That’s no way to make our election system a fair game.

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