Houston Chronicle

Cancer screening

- By Marilynn Marchione Chronicle reporter Todd Ackerman contribute­d to this story.

Scientists have the first major evidence that blood tests called liquid biopsies hold promise for screening people for cancer.

Scientists have the first major evidence that blood tests called liquid biopsies hold promise for screening people for cancer. Hong Kong doctors tried it for a type of head and neck cancer, and boosted early detection and one measure of survival.

The tests detect DNA that tumors shed into the blood. Some are used now to monitor cancer patients, and many companies are trying to develop versions of these for screening, as possible alternativ­es to mammograms, colonoscop­ies and other such tests. The new study shows this approach can work, at least for this one form of cancer.

“This work is very exciting on the larger scale” because it gives a blueprint for how to make tests for other tumor types such as lung or breast, said Dr. Dennis Lo of Chinese University of Hong Kong. “We are brick by brick putting that technology into place.”

He led the study, published Wednesday by the New England Journal of Medicine. Lo is best known for discoverin­g that fetal DNA can be found in a mother’s blood, which launched a new era of non-invasive testing for pregnant women.

Dr. Scott Kopetz, an MD Anderson Cancer Center scientist conducting research with liquid biopsies, said the study will undoubtedl­y be seen as the first of many, given the substantia­l potential for applying the approach to other malignanci­es.

“This tumor is ideal due to the higher prevalence in the population, rapid release of the viral DNA and effective treatment if the tumor is caught early,” said Kopetz. “However, as the technology improves and additional studies are completed, patients with more “difficult” tumor types will likely also benefit from a similar screening approach.”

Kopetz is leading MD Anderson research using liquid biopsies to guide treatment after the cancer has been detected.

“This is a first study to demonstrat­e that circulatin­g tumor DNA (liquid biopsies) can be used for early detection of cancer in asymptomat­ic patients,” Kopetz said.

The study involved nasopharyn­geal cancer, which forms at the top of the throat behind the nose. It’s a good test case for DNA screening because it’s an aggressive cancer where early detection matters, and screening could be tried in a population where the cancer is most common — middle-aged Chinese men.

Also, the Epstein-Barr virus is involved in most cases, so tests could hunt for viral DNA that tumors shed into the blood in large quantities, rather than rare bits of cancer cells themselves.

About 20,000 men were screened, and viral DNA was found in 1,112, or 5.5 percent. Of those, 309 also had the DNA on confirmato­ry tests a month later. After endoscope and MRI exams, 34 turned out to have cancer.

More cases were found at the earliest stage — 71 percent versus only 20 percent of a comparison group of men who had been treated for nasopharyn­geal cancer over the previous five years. That’s important because early cases often are cured with radiation alone, but more advanced ones need chemothera­py and treatment is less successful.

Screening also seemed to improve how many survived without worsening disease — 97 percent at three years versus 70 percent of the comparison group. Only one person who tested negative on screening developed nasopharyn­geal cancer within a year.

The study was sponsored by an Asian foundation and the Hong Kong government. Lo and some other authors founded Cirina, a Hong Kong-based company focused on early cancer detection. In May, Cirina merged with Grail Inc., a California company working on cancer screening blood tests with more than $1 billion from drug companies and big-name investors such as Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates.

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