Houston Chronicle

FBI raids home

Warrant issued for investigat­ion into Manafort’s financial records

- By Chad Day and Eric Tucker

Agents looking for financial documents have searched a home of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.

WASHINGTON — FBI agents looking for financial documents have searched one of the homes of President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, whose past foreign political work has been swept into the investigat­ions into Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 election.

Manafort spokesman Jason Maloni said in a statement that FBI agents had obtained a warrant and searched one of Manafort’s homes, but he would not say when the search occurred or what it was for.

The Associated Press has learned the warrant for the search July 26 at Manafort’s home in Alexandria, Va., sought informatio­n including tax and banking records.

Manafort has been a subject of a long-standing FBI investigat­ion into his dealings in Ukraine and work for the country’s former president, Viktor Yanukovych.

That investigat­ion has been incorporat­ed into the probe led by special counsel Robert Mueller, who is also scrutinizi­ng Manafort’s role in the Trump campaign as he looks into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election and any possible collusion with Trump associates.

Manafort, who led the Trump campaign for several months, has denied any wrongdoing. He spoke behind closed doors to Senate investigat­ors for an interview one day before the search of his home.

The use of a search warrant indicates law enforcemen­t officials have convinced a judge there is probable cause to believe a crime might have been committed. A house raid can be seen as an aggressive tactic, given that Manafort has been cooperatin­g with congressio­nal investigat­ors and has turned over hundreds of pages of documents.

It could indicate law enforcemen­t was looking for records beyond what Manafort provided.

Word of the raid is the latest revelation about Mueller’s investigat­ion, which had been operating in relative secrecy compared with numerous congressio­nal probes looking at the election. In recent days, it’s become clear the former FBI director is using a grand jury in Washington in addition to one in the Eastern District of Virginia, where investigat­ors also have been looking into former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn.

One focus of the multiple probes, including Mueller’s, is a June 2016 meeting Manafort attended with Trump’s son-inlaw, Jared Kushner, and Donald Trump Jr.

That meeting at Trump Tower in New York was described to Trump Jr. in emails as part of a Russian government effort to help the Trump campaign by passing along informatio­n that could be used against Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Meanwhile, the Judiciary Committee said Wednesday it has also received about 250 pages of documents from Trump Jr. and about 20,000 pages from the Trump campaign.

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